chapter 14

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Kong side:::

"What did you just told?" Arthit asked in disbelief.

"Ask P'krist to abort it or break up with me Phi" kong stressed it once again sounding firm even in his fragile voice.


"Is this the best solution you can come up with ? Break up? Then why the hell you chased me every time and make me love you if you are going to leave me one day?" Arthit asked after a slap, he is beyond angry.

"We have no other solution better than this P! I have no choice other than to push you this hard?" Kong said with blank face, his eyes feels heavy from so much cries he just want to close his eyes and sleep in his Phi embrace.

"Are you blackmailing me?" Arthit asked in disappointment, the one who always use communication as a key to their every fight is now not co-operating for a talk.

"Yes" kong said and earned a fist on his chest..

"You idiot! How dare you? Did you forget that I am your senior? Where did your moral about 'communication solves everything' goes now?" Arthit asked him with an unbearable pain and the fact that the latter is still hanging on that break up thing.

"This one does not solve even if we talked all day Phi" kong declared to Arthit.

"Not true kong, me and Krist already talked, we have even come to a resolution" Arthit told him.

"Hmm... I know what will be it! And my answer for your solution is NO! P'arthit" kong said firmly without hearing Arthit solution.

"What?! You didn't even hear my decision kong!" Arthit said in irritation.

"Is not your decision to do with me taking responsibility for P'krist, I am sure that you might already promised P'krist that I will marry him!" Kong said showing his dismay through his eyes.

Arthit smiled suddenly, he thought in his mind 'see! How could I break up with this guy? He knows me very well?' Arthit pecked his lover lips surprising the latter.

"Phi, this is not a time to play" kong sneered by the sudden act.

"I am too not in the mood to play! But i can't help when you make my heart flutter even in fatal situation" Arthit said showing his dimple on his tears stained cheeks.

"Phi!!!!!" Kong raised his voice and got hissed in pain.

"Yes, that was my first decision but I changed it, I realized how foolish my thoughts were, So sorry" Arthit apologized to kong who just closed his eyes and leaned his head on the headboard.

"Tell me what is your solution?" Kong asked without moving from his place.

"The thing is .... Krist and me already talked and thought very carefully in every aspect before come to this, it's .. (kong opened his eyes and scrutinize Arthit, he can easily predict what will  come, so he closed his eyes with another disbelief sigh).. it's.. just... Krist is going to keep the baby and give it to us after birth" Arthit finished and waited with short breath for kong to say something.

"NO! a big No! P'arthit" kong responded coldly.

"Why?" Arthit questioned him demanding the reason.

Kong opened his eyes and leaned forward and said "Why? You asking why P? Because I don't want do anymore mistakes, especially in my right mind"

"Kong it's not a mistake, hear me fir--..".

"No Phi, just stop it.. I will not change my decision for anything, when did you become a selfish person? Is it for me? don't do this P! It's not only about us Phi, it's also about P'krist! Let's not be selfish and spoil your brother life before it even start" kong let out his request to his fiance who hang his head low.

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