Chapter 30

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"Then kneel on the bed" Arthit ordered kong who creased his forehead but he went and kneel on it facing Arthit. He rubbed his eyes to get rid of his sleepiness. Arthit switched on the light and took kong wrist and ties it with a towel.

"Phi, What are you doing?" Kong asked in confusion because his Phi never play during sleeping time like him, cause his man like slumber more than him.

"Kong, kneel properly!" Arthit said in high tone causing kong to gulp, kong start to recollect his memory of a day for what went wrong from his side that caused his Phi to behave weird. But kong couldn't recalled properly. He kneeled properly while Arthit unbuttoned kong shirt.

Arthit gulped seeing kong with messed up hair, curious eyes, innocent look, not pouty lips but a parted lips with a tongue coming out to wet the latter lips.

Arthit grabbed kong nape in an instant and kissed him roughly and earned a surprised gasp from kong who thought he was going to get hit for his unknown mistake.

His tongue moved inside kong mouth fastly like he has no time in the world, kong slapped Arthit chest to tell him that he needs air, kong breathed heavy seeing his Phi eyes filled with different kind of lust which  he has never seen before.

Before kong ask what happened, Arthit once again captured kong lips while the latter hands moved fastly to remove the clothes from their body. Kong try to dominate Arthit but Arthit didn't allow him this time and kong submitted himself after a battle.

That night was long for kong, he never sees Arthit like this before, Arthit topped him in earlier days and he do it rarely too, but this time it was different it not only rough, it's like Arthit eating him piece by piece, the hickey which coated on his body is countless, he doesn't know what triggered his husband to go on like this, but he didn't stop him because he like it although the pain is going be unbearable for him in the next morning.

Arthit never likes doing it rough and kong too never went, that's why one time when Arthit asked kong to go for a rough kong didn't compiled it knowing his husband is just saying to satisfy his needs.

But today Arthit is going rough on his own will, at one stage when kong released a painful moan Arthit got shocked and stopped his action but kong shook his head and asked Arthit to continue.

Arthit don't know what possessed him, all he want to do is take kong without any shame or shyness, he tasted every piece of flesh in kong body, he got mad at Singto because that latter words is true, kong was cute, more hot and more alluring.

He doesn't like the fact of someone else imagining kong in that way, even though he knows Singto will never like kong than his brother but his clouded mind is not accepting it.

Because of the tease and shyness he never initiated nor topped kong like he wanted to and now he is regretting it now, hell! He likes the submissive kong more than a dominant kong. Maybe it's love, all he need is, now he understand why Kongpop always jumps on him in the name of love.

How can he allow someone else to imagine kong in that pose, he should break that latter teeth and he decided to do it in the morning. But to his avail, morning is not at all like he predicted. When he came down late morning and saw Tay with krist while Singto arranging the table with foods.

"Why this many food?" Arthit asked while kissing Tay cheeks. Tay jumped on his embrace with a giggle.

"Oh, actually I forgot to inform you last night that today I invited kong parents for a breakfast, don't worry I already ordered the food and even arranged it" Singto said innocently.

Arthit face paled in an instant, "Arthit are you okay?" Krist asked after sensing Arthit's uneasiness.

"You! You did it intentionally! Don't you?" Arthit asked with gritted teeth while Singto shake his head with a look of 'I don't know anything' Krist got confused by their exchange.

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