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Rebecca walked over to her daughter and pushed her hair out of her face, she looked to Colby who looked just as confused as she felt. What was happening? What had just happened? Was their daughter okay? So many questions ran through their heads.

"Mommy, Riley is cute" Remi smiled and Rebecca bent down next to her daughter

"She is" Rebecca nodded "Are you okay?" she asked and the little girl nodded

"Where did you go just now? What were you thinking about?"

"I dunno" she shrugged "I was feeding Riley" she said again

Rebecca walked away from her daughter and Colby followed her up the stairs

"What do we do?" he asked "What just happened?"

"I don't know but the look in her eyes, I don't like it" she shook her head

"What are we supposed to do?" he asked

"You go downstairs and watch her, I'm going to call her pediatrician and explain what happened and see if she knows what we should do"

"You don't think there's something seriously wrong do you?"

"Something is going on" she nodded "How serious it is I don't know but we need to figure it out"

Colby was downstairs sitting on the couch watching his eldest daughter like a hawk when Rebecca walked down the stairs.

"Let's get your shoes on babe" Rebecca said to her daughter as she grabbed the little shoes from the closet

"Where are we going?" Remi asked as she started putting her shoes on

"We are gonna go to the doctor.. she wants to see you"

"No needles right?"

"No" Rebecca shook her head "I don't think there will be any needles" she shook her head "There might be some big machines and some wires but they just want to take pictures"

"Rebecca" Colby said as he picked Riley up and began putting her in her carseat carefully

"She thinks she had an absence seizure but she has to do a bunch of tests at the hospital to figure that out for sure"

The little family arrived at the hospital that day and checked in, Colby stayed with Remi while Rebecca went home with Riley.

Remi was examined by her pediatrician and a child psychologist multiple times over the next few days. There were multiple tests ran and multiple blood tests examined before they thought they had their answer.

"It's called absence seizures" the doctor said "We've seen on the CT scans where she had multiple episodes while we were watching over the hour"

"How did we never catch it before?" Rebecca asked

"It's a hard thing to catch with kids, they stare of into space and they daydream all of the time so it is a hard thing to catch but since the one you all saw a few days ago was so long that would be why you caught it"

"What do we do to fix it?" Colby asked

"There is medication that we can put her on, it's important that we get this under control now before they start to develop into something more serious because they can turn into visible seizures"

Remi was released from the hospital with new daily medication and instruction for her parents.

Rebecca looked over at Colby as they drove home and he reached for her hand.

"I'm a horrible mother" she said

"No you're not" he shook his head

"What kind of mother doesn't realize her daughter is having seizures and probably has been for years?"

"You heard the doctor, she said they are hard to catch.. this isn't something that is your fault"

"She also said we are supposed to keep her stress free.. how in the hell do we keep her stress free? She's six! She gets stressed out when you tell her she has to use the pink fork instead of the yellow one"

"We'll figure it out" he said kissing her hand

"What if Riley has the same problem"

"We'll do the exact same thing we're doing right now, we will figure out how to help her and we will do whatever we have to do as her parents. You and me against the world" he said

"I like those odds" she smiled slightly 

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