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After winning the titles, Rebecca was immediately met by her friends backstage all hugging her. She was met by her family who congratulated her and she looked over at Colby who stood in the corner of the room just staring at her, if she didn't know any better she would say he looked like he was about to cry.

She walked into the locker room after doing interviews where the majority of the other women were already gone.

"Have you seen my daughter?" she asked Ashley who was finishing zipping her bag and the blonde pointed to Rebecca's bag

"Is she hiding?" Rebecca questioned as she walked over to her bag, fully expecting her daughter to be hiding in the bag and ready to jump out as soon as she opened it but that's not what happened at all

She opened the unzipped bag and saw her daughter, her beautiful, tiny daughter curled up into a ball fast asleep and she smiled

"Remi.." Rebecca whispered

"Mmm" the little girl groaned as she placed her hands over her eyes

"Come on love.. I gotta get in there" she said gently picking her daughter up in her arms

"Mommy" Remi groaned, she hated being woken up no matter what the time

"I'm sorry" Rebecca sat her down gently beside her and the little girl curled up once more

It was 4 in the morning when Rebecca finally got back to the hotel, Remi had remained asleep for the most part on the drive.

Rebecca looked in at the little girl who was fast asleep holding both of her mother's newly earned championship belts in her arms.

There was a gentle knock on the door and she looked at it.. she looked back at her daughter, shutting the door before going to open the room door for whoever was knocking at this ungodly hour.

"Colby" she shook her head as she opened the door

"Can I come in?" he asked quietly

"No" she shook her head and began to shut the door and he caught it with his hand "What part of No.." she started

"We need to talk" he said "I need you to know" he said

"Our daughter is asleep" she said "Ya know, the other kid you've got" she said

"Rebecca" he shook his head "Please" he said and once again she saw the same look in his eyes that she'd seen earlier in the night and she moved out of the way and he walked in slowly

"Talk" she said folding her arms across her chest as she leaned against the wall

"I want you to know I didn't have any idea" he shook his head "We weren't together" he said "and it never should have happened again"

"You actually had sex with her.." she shook her head "I thought she was lying!" she exclaimed and he shook his head

"We weren't together yet.."


"New years" he said "She came over and.." he trailed off as he saw her eyes widen

"New years?!" she yelled "New years! When I took Remi with me to Ireland for Christmas and we stayed until the new year!" she stated with a nod as she walked closer to him "Three weeks before we got together!"

"That's my point! We weren't together yet!"

"Like that is supposed to help this situation?"

"What else am I supposed to do?" he asked "She's pregnant.. the timeline matches up.. I don't know what else I'm supposed to do" he shook his head "I can't just let her do it alone" he said and he felt a stiff slap to his face

"You did not just say that" she shook her head as her hands ran through her hair "Well I guess I can start taking my birth control again!" she yelled and he looked at her confused

"What the hell are you talking about?" he asked

"I stopped taking my birth control last week!" she exclaimed "You said you wanted another baby, I told you not until I finished everything I had planned. It's after what I had planned!" she yelled

"You just won two titles! What the hell were you planning on doing with those?"
"I talked to Stephanie! I explained it to her and she said I could relinquish whenever I got pregnant"

"You've been off your birth control for a week.." he shook his head "and you weren't going to tell me?"

"It takes time for my body to adjust to it and we weren't exactly unprotected" she shook her head

"You were going to give me another child.." he said in a whisper

"Yeah" she nodded "but evidently somebody beat me to it"

"I'm going to ask her for a DNA test" he said "I talked to my mom, she said the best thing to do is to ask for a DNA test" he said "Apparently Beth had been trying to talk to my mom for the last few months trying to convince her to talk to me and convince me to get back together with her" he explained

"What did your mom say?"

"She told her there was no chance she was ever going to do that and it didn't matter because I was in love with someone else and had been for years now" he said

"What happens if this test comes back and it is yours?"

"I love you. I don't even want to think about that right now, I don't even want to entertain that idea.." he shook his head "I love you..I don't want to create a family with anybody else but you"

"Mommy" Rebecca heard Remi's little accent and she looked over at her daughter who was standing there rubbing her eyes

"What's wrong love?" Rebecca asked as she walked over to the little girl

"Bethany's not gonna come back right?" she asked and Rebecca looked at Colby who shrugged "She said she's gonna come back and her and daddy are gonna be family and me and you are gonna be with somebody else"

"When did she say that?" Rebecca asked as she picked her little girl up in her arms

"Tonight.. she was sitting across from me and Mimi"

"Why was she in the family section?" Rebecca asked Colby who shrugged

"Luke" she said

"What?" Colby asked as he walked closer to his little girl

"Luke!" she exclaimed "Mommy's other boyfriend"

"Mommy's ex boyfriend" Rebecca corrected "What about him?"

"He still has his pass" she said "and she was sitting next to him, I saw her kiss him"

"Bethany is dating Luke" Rebecca looked at Colby with wide eyes and he nodded

"They wanna break you up" Remi said "They're not gonna right?" she asked looking between both of her parents and Colby grabbed Rebecca's hand tightly in his

"Absolutely not" he shook his head 

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