Chapter 6- Power Lost and Power Gained

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(Your POV)

After five minutes of walking around in the forest below King's, I managed to level up a level, which was nice. Arthur has been pestering me for the past five minutes though, often saying my form needs work or something along those lines. Either way, I wasn't really paying attention because my mind was focused on what game I should play next.

Normally, I would just think about this for the hell of it, but now I'm thinking about it so I can help my teammates better. The way I see it, all teams can be split up into four basic roles, the Front Line, the Utility, the Damage Dealer, and the Support. Unlike most people, me, Jihan, and Sung can fit any of these roles perfectly. But I'm probably the best at versatility given how I can copy skills from video games.

So it'll be up to me to balance the team out, so I'll have to copy the skills of a video game in order to fill that role. I can become a front-line player by playing either Devil May Cry or Shadow of War, thanks to both characters being badasses that can take a hit. To fit the damage dealer class, I suppose FFXV and Odyssey would be good options, because both characters are pretty fast and are hard to hit by normal means. To fit the support class is going to be difficult, but playing as a mage in Inquisition or focusing on magic in Kingdom Hearts should fit the bill. Finally is the utility, which is easy, I can use Scribblenauts, Fire Emblem, or TF2 for that.

"(Y/N), are you listening?" Pestered the mouse I call Arthur as he poked my cheek whilst standing on my shoulder.

"Why yes I am, Great Mouse Detective." I lied, then I felt some pressure on my cheek. Not surprisingly, it was Arthur hitting my face with a stick.

"Then repeat what I just told you." Arthur challenged while I grabbed the stick and threw it behind me.

"You were talking about balancing out the team I'm on." I guessed, not really knowing what Arthur was talking about at all. "About how I should either find people that suit the class I wanna be or how I should change my skills based on the circumstances."

"That's nowhere near what I said." Arthur answered, but he surprisingly didn't do anything, normally he'd try to kick my ass after I got an answer wrong. "However that's still a good thing to keep in mind so I won't give you too much crap."

"Really? That's a first." I snickered and immediately felt tiny hands punching my neck, which didn't hurt but it sure was annoying. "It appears I spoke too soon."

As I felt Arthur's tiny hands trying to beat me up, Immediately sensed a strong magic signature coming from a clearing nearby. They were fighting off something rather larger, so I immediately felt the responsibility to go help them. So I got my portal gun ready, along with my rope dart and strayed traversing the various kinds of trees, roots, rocks, and logs that blocked my path to this individual.

On my way there, I looked over to a part of the forest in the distance to see that a part of that sky turned dark and had stars, like the night sky. I had no idea what could have caused that to happen, but it's probably best I don't get involved since they're quite a distance away. Once I pushed away the final branch I finally reached the clearing to see the someone was desperately dodging a giant grimm with horns.

I looked at the individual to find it was...Rias?! She was gracefully but desperately dodging the grimm as it charged, while she tried making a giant red orb in her hands. While she was charging her own attack, the grimm interrupted her by attempting to tackle her, forcing her to dodge. Then the grimm got stuck in a tree and the cycle repeated.

I wasted no time in shooting a blue portal beneath where Rias would most likely dodge to and shooting an orange one onto the tree. Like clockwork, the grimm charged at Rias and she dodged, falling right into my portal. Since I predicted her fall, I took it upon myself to catch her. So as she fell through the portal, I planted my feet and outstretched my arms. Rias then fell through the portal back-first and right into my chest, that was when I wrapped my arms around her torso. She didn't know what happened at first, but then she turned her head and stared at me a little before grinning a bit.

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