Chapter 16-Hydra adopts a Rabbit

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(Your POV)

After a couple minutes of running, I made it to some apartment building where the ethereal footsteps stopped. I deactivated [Wraith World] before looking at the building and saw a bunch of organized buttons by the door and realized they all had labels. I looked at the note that Origami left me to see that she didn't even bother giving me specifics as to which apartment she lived in.

"Well, time to press some buttons." I then cracked my fingers and pressed on a button, giving it some time to respond before hearing a voice.

"Um, hello, did one of my cats get out again?" Asked a cheerful, yet boyish voice.

"I don't think so, I'm honestly looking for a girl named Origami Tobiichi." I admit getting kind of jealous that this guy has cats. "Do you know where she lives?"

"She lives on the floor above me." The boy informed me, which made me thankful. "Also, if you see any cats that need a home, feel free to tell me about it."

"Sure thing, and thanks for the help." I thanked the boy before pressing the button above the original button.

"Hello?" Responding to a familiar monotone voice to make Koneko jealous, then I realized that this could be a trap so I better take proper measures.

"Hey it's (Y/N), you have something that belongs to a friend of mine." I bluntly said, since she seems like the kind of person who gets straight to the point. "Can I come in?"

"Sure." Origami responded as the doors suddenly opened and I walked inside, walking straight to the elevator in the process.

The inside of the elevator has a bunch of buttons outside, but I thankfully remembered which apartment Origami lived in from pressing her apartment button. Behind me was one of those mirrors they have in elevators. Pushing that aside, I pushed the button to Origami's floor and the elevator ascended until I reached the floor.

Once the elevator doors opened, I stepped out into the hallway and walked down her hallway. Passing by many doors in process, and noticing that the hallway had very few to no paintings at all. It was kind of borning in my opinion. Regardless, I kept on walking down the hall until I reached Origami's door and knocked, then things got weird real quick.

Origami slammed the door open before I even got the chance to touch it, revealing that she was wearing a...maid outfit for some reason? There was an awkward silence encasing the room, with me trying to process what she was thinking and Origami just staring at me.

"Why?" I asked calmly, but Origami pushed that to the side.

"Come in." Origami ordered, and I complied, not wanting to start a fight.

Inside the apartment was a fairly large room, with Origami seemingly wanting me to sit at the table. So I complied and sat at the table, while looking around the room to find nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, it was too ordinary, there was no decor or anything colorful at all, just basic living necessities here.

"Please, drink this." Origami then put a cup in front of me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

The drink was a dark purple color, having the same texture as lava as well. It was also radiating fumes that killed a fly that was passing by?! I then activated [Observe] to look at the drink and was horrified by what I saw.

Origami's ????
Rank: Z-
Desc: This is literal drugged poison. Please don't drink it.

I looked at Origami, who was looking at me with anticipation. I dismissed the pop-up and proceeded to drink it, accepting the challenge and passing off whoever wrote that description. Of course, the drink tasted horrible, but my mama didn't raise a little bitch. I downed the whole drink before placing the cup on the table, returning Origami's gaze with a challenging one of my own.

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