Chapter 10-Deals with the Priest

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(Your POV)

New Skill acquired!
Water Bending
Cost: 2 SP per second
Desc: You can control water using your movement as a conductor, more specifically the martial arts,led Tai Chi Chuan. It's a slow style that may seem effective in combat, by ita fluid movements make you a force to be reckoned with.

Me and Tanjiro trainee for the rest of day just for me to have a basic understanding of water bending. It wasn't much, but it was honest work. Me and Tanjiro still practiced with my new waterbending skill to test it's efficiency, and it turns out I'm a natural. I was able to keep up with the water Tanjiro did and send it back to him just as hard.

I noticed that my peerage was also doing quite well, out of the corner of my eye I saw a kick from Mori was intercepted by Yoruichi's own kick, then both of their intercepting legs turned into blurs, sending shock waves around them. Bam on the other hand was doing something different, he was actually fighting Yuri while he used some sort of needle in his arms. While I could tell he wasn't the best at it, I could tell he was improving.

Ethan on the other hand was having no trouble at all, it should probably be worth noting that both Inosuke and Zenitsu belong to my father's peerage, and that they're Knight pieces. Sung and Jihan on the other hand were summoning shadow soldiers and shooting mana arrows respectively, then getting advice from a man with glasses.

Back on the subject of my training, Tanjiro was impressed with my progress, and was about to teach me water breathing, but the school bells rang before he could teach me, so the two of us used the other platform that was on our island to transport ourselves back to the base level. I noticed that everyone else was doing the same before they walked towards the exit.

I started walking to the exit with my hands in my pockets, I wasn't even halfway towards the exit before my phone started ringing. I pulled my phone out of my inventory, then I questioned how I was able to tell it was ringing when it was in a subspace. I looked at the screen of my phone to see that it was Issei calling me, though I couldn't help but laugh a bit to myself since I set the name to 'He who thinks with his lower head'.

"Hello there." I answered the phone in my best Kenobi impression.

"General (L/N)..." Issei replied in his best Grevious impression, reminding me of why he's still my friend. "...I need help with something."

"What is it?" I questioned as I held open the door for Sung and the deer from earlier, both of whom thanked my and I gave a thumbs up as a response.

"Rias is sending me on a mission to some house a little walk from here, and I just have a bad feeling about it." Issei admits, which I know is difficult since he's actually quite prideful sometimes. "I kind of developed this sense when peeking on girls, I call it 'the Oppai Sense'."

"So it's basically a spider-sense for perverts?" I deadpanned while walking down the hall, getting a confused look for Sera and John before they shrugged it off. "I'm gonna have to ask that you elaborate a bit more."

"Long story short; this sense alerts me when I'm in danger." Issei informed me, giving me one more fact to put in my library of 'how the fuck' facts. "So can you come with me? I know people in a peerage aren't supposed to get help when they're on a job, but I just need to be there in case something happens."

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