Chapter 24-Tournament's Begining

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(Your POV)

After talking with Weiss and exiting the school, I used [Elven Sprint] to run home to begin training for the tournament tomorrow. As I ran, I had my phone out and made calls to Dawei and Endorsi to meet me at the dojo to help me get stronger, especially now that I'm the new Sin of Wrath. I'm more surprised I didn't get a title though, but then again it could be the fact I didn't announce it yet. As I called the two, they were obviously confused as to why I called them on the way to the house, so I decided to explain to them how this tournament goes.

The tournament consists of three main rounds, Siege, Hunt, and 1v1. The siege part is pretty self explanatory, the players are arranged into teams. In our case, the teams are going to be Devils, Souls (Soul Reapers+Tohka/Shido), Hunters, Shinobi (Hidden villages+Kunoichi), Heroes, Mechanical classes (Infinite Stratos Users+AST students), and MISC. meaning our team will consist of me, my peerage, the two stand users, and the Strawhat Pirates.

The first and second rounds take place on the same massive playing field that have 7 strongholds, one for each team. Of course, the biome isn't that versatile, having a couple mountains, hills, and grassy plains in there. Each of the strongholds have a same underground chamber with the entrance being located somewhere in the walls, and in those underground chambers are the artifacts we're supposed to get.

The Siege round is pretty much a seven way game of Capture the Flag and defending our troops. Our troops are something of minions who can fight for us, enhance their fellow troops, upgrade the others, and work facilities. Facilities can be used for upgrades that can help us in the long run. The Siege Round lasts for three days, and these minions of ours farm rapidly, allowing us to have easy access to food. We're allowed to pick or bring our own minions, so Jihan can bring his golems. However the main point is the artifacts, whoever has the most artifacts by the end of the time limit wins.

Another thing worth noting about this round is how it's mainly based around strategy and careful placing of facilities, after all, we don't want fields getting caught up in the crossfire and destroying our source of food. The final thing of importance is that we must defend our artifacts with any means necessary, even if it means sacrificing ourselves. Luckily, V adjusts the rules so we aren't able to die, but we'll respawn back in our base after five or ten minutes.

The second round is Hunt, also self-explanatory. The same teams must hunt dangerous beasts scattered around the area. Of course it's still a competition, but we can team up with other teams to take down larger opponents. This round only lasts for a day, but the troops from the previous round are still around and act as civilians and the useless knights in every isekai anime ever. The way to win in this round is pretty simple, all hunted creatures are worth a certain amount of points, and the more points you have, the better.

After the second round is where the tournament 'truly' begins, because not only can we actually go home at the end of the day, but it also consists of 1v1's between people. Sadly, the teams formed there don't lead into the last round, but it makes sure we don't end up fighting each other, since that'd be a bit cruel. Strangely enough though, the audience gets to pick the fights, and the contenders earn points based on how well they did in that fight. This round also only lasts for a day, and the person with the most points wins the whole that round.

However in order to win the whole tournament is to be on the winning team of the first two rounds and to have the most points in the last. This would have been an easy win for me, but Sung isn't allowed to participate in the tournaments since he's not a student there anymore. So I'll have to rely on everyone else, which isn't too bad when I think about it.

After making it to the gates of the clan house, I opened them and walked over to the dojo to see the inside lights were on, signaling Endorsi and Dawei were inside. So I opened up the dojo door to see the two were there, but with Mira and Bam in there as well. I walked into the dojo before closing the door and walking up to the group of people.

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