Chapter 28-Mermaid Man

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(Your POV)
After the siege round, it was revealed that my team had won, thanks to everyone finally bringing back the other artifacts. So now that the round was over, everyone in my team started celebrating by a feast, inviting everyone on the battlefield to join our feast to celebrate the end of the round. While everyone else was in the main hall, socializing and eating food, I simply used my [Adapter] skill on one of the consoles I brought to play AC Odyssey on the roof of the building.

It was nighttime by the time this happened, with the only things illuminating the dark stronghold were the lights on the building and the various kinds of stars above us. I remembered the days where Ryujin would hold royal banquets or balls, usually while I was there. More often than not, I was usually stuck hiding behind my parents because I've always hated crowds. Thankfully, Zeno is an understanding father, so when he saw me about to cry from all the unwanted, he would stop what he was doing and take me outside to the roof of the castle. Then we would point out the various kinds of constellations in the sky tat night, telling me the stories of every one of them.

As I played my game on the rooftop, I heard footsteps walking over to me. So I paused my game to turn around in order to see who it was, finally realizing it was Tohka, I gave a light wave. I was more surprised by the fact she wasn't downstairs, feasting with everyone else and enjoying the party. That was until I looked at Tohka's eyes to see they were full of curiosity and longing.

"Hey Tohka, needed some fresh air?" I asked the girl, who slowly nodded her head as she took a seat next to me.

"Not really, I come out here looking for you." Tohka admits while a relieved sigh, kind of surprising me as I dismissed both the controller I was using and the pop-up. "So why aren't you celebrating with everyone else?"

"Don't like crowds, that's all." I rubbed the back of my neck, causing Tohka to look deeply into my eyes with her brave and bright purple ones. "What's that look for?"

"Ruby told me you play action games whenever you're stressed about something, so what is it?" Tohka asked, forcing me into a corner, since she was right. "No lying!"

"Fine, I'm having doubts about my leadership skills." I admit, while Tohka looks confused, so I tried explaining things to her. "Think about it, I've done nothing but put my peerage members into messes they wouldn't be in if they never joined. What's worse, is that the majority of them are at a higher level than I am, and here I am just being some sort of dollar store Gilgamesh. I mean, I should be focusing on unlocking my zanpakuto, stand, angel, stra-"

"Wait, did you say angel?" Tohka asked excitedly, so I responded in a confused tone.

"Um...yeah, why?" I asked, not getting a response other than Tohka dragging me to my feet. "What are you doing?"

"If you need to summon your angel, I can help you with that." Tohka cheered before summoning her greatsword, Sandalphon. "For a basic explanation, Angels are the things we spirits use to protect ourselves, of course, they all have unique offensive skills. Like mine is pure energy, and Yoshino's is water, so I wonder what yours will be."

"So how do you summon it?" I asked, standing up with my hands in my pockets, kind of stumping Tohka.

"Uh...I'm not entirely sure..." Tohka admits, forcing me to start using my head.

From what I've seen, Tohka's angel takes the form of a greatsword and throne, while Yoshino's is a puppet. Tohka's element is seemingly energy, and Yoshino's element is obviously water, maybe personality plays a role in form and abilities. Tohka's personality is outgoing and childish, and her fighting style is brash, rough, and based mostly on power. Yoshino's on the other hand is slow, precise, and focuses on keeping opponents away. Now that I mention it, Yoshino's angel looks somewhat like Yoshinon, it's possible that angels also grow and shape themselves based on desire.

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