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I woke up used the restroom washed my hands brushed my teeth and put on some ripped jeans with a plain black t-shirt. I put on lashes and lip gloss put on my Air Force 1's grabbed my bag and waited for Mattia to pick me up.
I got a text message from him saying he he and the boys were waiting outside. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door locking it. And hoped in the car

Hey whores

Sup bitch!

We blasted music going to school and we were all singing our hearts out. Once we got to school we walked to my locker and grabbed my books.

So Mattia who you fucking today?
He said jokingly laughing

I'm thinking of Ashley
He smirked

Ashley? She's the most clingiest person out there! You fuck her and and she won't leave your side for weeks!

She's speaking facts though
He pointed at me

We'll just use our secret code
He smirked

What's our secret code again?

He looked at me and smiled

One day when Mattia tried getting away from this girl he made me pretend I was his girlfriend. After the guys figured out they said that was our secret code. Everytime they didn't want a girl to flirt with them they would pretend I was dating them. See the boys are really popular in school. With them being famous on "Tiktok" gave them popularity in school. That popularity never changed our friendship though. They play soccer so I guess you can call the "Jocks". Every girl hates me because I'm friends with the boys. But I didn't internally hang out with the boys because they were famous. I don't even have TikTok until the boys told me to download it a month after I met them. That's when I realized my bestfriend were famous.

Why is always me?
I yelled out

Cause you love us
He smiled and I rolled my eyes

Speaking of Ashley
He pointed and we turned around and seen Ashley annoyingly walking to us

By the way. Ashley is like one of the most popular girls in the school. This school is literally like a teenage movie. Jocks hang with cheer leaders. Nerds with Nerds. And you know the rest. But me and the boys are just chill. We hang with who we wanna hang with

Hey guys. Y/n
She rolled her eyes

Ashley. You got something in your eye?
Roshaun tried not to laugh

Anyway. Mattia wanna hang during lunch?

Imma hang with my friends during lunch. But I can meet you in the janitors closet during 3rd
He smirked

Ughh fine

I chuckled. Imma go to class. See ya
I smiled and walked away

Hold up! See ya guys! Bye Ashley

I turned around and Mattia ran to me

What's up

We got class together and if I walk in there late we all know Vanessa is gonna have a seat saved for me so I can sit by her

Ah yes Vanessa. The girl who was thinks you want her and hates  all of us. Specially me
I smiled and he smirked

I flirted with her once and she thinks I like her? She doesn't stop texting me either! She's annoying
I started laughing
So your gonna act like me and you have a thing

Every single time
I rolled my eyes and Mattia grabbed my hand and we walked into class. I seen Vanessa and she smiled at Mattia then she saw us holding hands and her smiled dropped

Mattia I saved your seat
She smiled

Thanks but I'm sitting with y/n
He wrapped his arm around my neck and I tried not to laugh

Oh you sure? I mean y/n doesn't really do the work and she doesn't help you with your work?

Vanessa when are you gonna understand that i want to hang out with my friends? I never asked you to save me a seat?
She rolled her eyes and we walked to the back of the class and sat down and I started laughing

I'm sorry. It's just you really are the player of the school
I chuckled

I hate you
He smirked

We were taking notes in class and after that we were just messing around. After that class we went to our other classes During third I had pe with Mattia and Roshaun

See you guys at lunch. Gotta go with Ashley

Her pussy stank!
Everyone heard us and me and Roshaun started cracking up while Mattia flipped us off
Roshaun and I were playing Volley ball with each other and he missed the ball everytime

You suck bro!

Shut your ass up. You only good at it cause you play volleyball!
I started laughing and we both sat on the bleachers for a while and we went go change and seen Ashley and Mattia come out the bathroom and he smiled at me

Not even gonna ask
I said disgusted And he chuckled and left. I changed out my shoes on and walked out the locker room and met with Roshaun and Mattia and we walked to lunch messed around with the boys and drove to Alejandro's house

In love with my bestfriend | | Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now