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The office told me and Chelsea that we both have detention for a week after school. I walked out the office taking a tardy slip and walked out

~Mattia's pov~
Ever since y/n kissed me that day it hang left my mind. I know it wasn't our first kiss but I'm the one who usually kissed her and she usually doesn't kiss back. But that time she was the one to kiss me! Yea I did like y/n and I actually did want to go out with her when the boys and I first met her. We met her in pe art class since we all had together and she was just beautiful. And then we all became friends and the boys knew I liked her but we just got to att she'd do y/n and I didn't want to ruin that friendship. And that's when I started messing around with other girls. Well started flirting with other girls freshman year but then I guess every girl wanted me when I became a sophomore and that's how I became the "player of the school". Was I y/n's crush she had to get over? Is that why she kissed me? Is that why she started getting all weird around me? No Mattia! You can't think about that! He put your feelings away for y/n! You can't let them out! But she the perfect girl for me. She knows me! She makes me laugh! Makes me smile, makes me happy! No Mattia! I need to get her out my mind! I was in chemistry class and usually y/n would be my partner but she got into a fight defending me, so my partner was Vanessa. Any other girl and it's Vanessa. Just great. I'm so gonna regret this

"hey Vanessa meet me in the janitors closet in 5 minutes"
I whispered to her

She just nodded and smiled and I asked the teacher if I can go to the bathroom and he nodded and I left. About 5 minutes after Vanessa walked in the janitors closet

I walked to chemistry class which I had with Mattia and roshaun. Usually I'm Mattia's partner but he wasn't in his seat and it looked like he already had a partner and roshaun did too. I walked up to the teacher giving him the tardy slip

"y/n since you have an A in this class and your late and don't have a partner you'll be partnered with the new kid. Quinton"

He pointed to the back and I seen him. He said as pretty cute actually. I nodded and walked over to the table sitting by the new kid. He seemed kind of nervous

"I'm I'm Quinton, I'm new here, first day"
He said putting his hand out

"I'm y/n"
I shook his hand

I looked over and seen roshaun raising his eyebrows and smiling and he got up from his seat

"hi! I'm roshaun y/n's best friend. Well one of her best friends. No one really likes her cause we're like famous and all in this school"

"roshaun shut up!"

"I'm just saying! Anyway and you are!"

"I'm Quinton"

He shook his hand. Roshaun went back to his seat and Quinton and I started working on the assignment and in the middle of class Mattia walked in with Vanessa and he was breathing heavy. I just shook my head and continued to work. After we finished we turned in our assignment.

" so what class to you have after lunch?"
I asked

He said

"oh cool,you have it with me and my other best friends"
I said

"how many do you have?"

"not much, just roshaun Mattia Kairi Alejandro and Alvaro, there my only friends actually"

"why did roshaun say people hate you?"

"cause they do tiktoks and there all famous and people think I'm using them for fame when I've known them before the fame started"

"oh, I do tiktoks too, and I'm verified actually"
He said

He took out his phone and showed me his videos. He followed me and I followed him back on social media and we exchanged numbers

The bell rang for lunch and i packed my bags

"see you in art"
I said to Quinton

I walked out of class and waited for roshaun and Mattia and they walked out

Roshaun picked me up and put me over his shoulder

"Roshaun! You always do this!"
I yelled out

He put me down and they both laughed

"so y/n how's your new boyfriend!"
Roshaun said

Mattia said

"it's a new kid. His name is Quinton we're lab partners. Also turns out he's verified on tiktok like you guys. He has a lot of followers"

We sat done at the lunch table with the boys

"who has a lot of followers?"
Kairi asked

"Y/n's lab partner, and her boyfriend!"
Roshaun said

"he's not my boyfriend!"
I yelled

"damn get some y/n"
Alvaro said

"yea! just talk to him! you always complain on how no guy ask you out in this school!"
Alejandro said

"well cause no guy wants to?!"

we were talking and then the bell rang and we all headed to art class

"oh by the way, he has art with us, so be nice!"

"no promises"
Mattia said

We got into art class and the boys sat with me. I called Quinton over and he sat infringe of me and sat by Kairi and Alejandro while Mattia and roshaun sat next to me and Alvaro on the side of roshaun

"Quinton meet my overprotective best friends, Alvaro roshaun Mattia Kairi and Alejandro, guys this is Quinton"

They all said but Mattia and I elbowed him

"ow! hey"
Mattia said and I smiled

we were all messing around and it was fun. They actually got along with Quinton. Except Mattia but that's just cause Mattia doesn't really like talking to other people but us. I think

The bell rang  and we all packed our stuff

"let's go eat"
Mattia said

"can't I have detention for a week cause I fought Chelsea, see ya later losers!"

In love with my bestfriend | | Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now