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I was hanging out with Aliz all day not wanting to go back home. But I had to. There was school tomorrow and I had to go back home. I hugged Aliz and said goodbye. It was getting dark but I decided to walk home. Slowly walking home.

I got on my black and walked even slower than what I was. I got to my house and seen Mattia's light on from upstairs. I walked inside my room and my mom and sister were eating dinner

"what's wrong with you?"
My sister asked (Alyssa)

"a very bad day"

I answered. I walked up to my room dragging my feet on the floor and once I got to my room I threw myself on my bed with my face hitting the pillows. I turned in the music and hugging the pillow beside me.

My phone buzzed and I looked at it and it was text message from Mattia saying if we could talk and I just left him on read and continued listening to music.

My eyes were closed and it started getting really cold in my room so I got up and closed the window and I looked and seen Mattia laying down on his bed looking up at the ceiling. He looked over and seen me and I quickly shut the window and closed the curtains.

My phone started buzzing and I grabbed it and it was Mattia calling me but I just ignored it.

I called Kairi over and he said he'll be there in a bit and I just said ok.

I heard a knock on my window and opened the curtain seeing Kairi and I opened the window and he jumped I. And he laid on my bed

"So what's up?"
He asked

"I kissed Mattia"


He hi or up from the bed standing up

"He kept telling me to tell him and I just felt like I needed to do something and I kissed him and then I pulled away and ran off ditching school. What do I do Kai?"

"I honestly have no idea y/n, just like act like it didn't happen"

"Kairi he's been telling me to hang out with him and you guys. I can't just act normal?"

"I honestly don't know what to say? You kissed him!"

"Ok I wanted too Kairi. I wanted to kiss him! I wanted to see how i would feel, and Kairi I didn't want to stop kissing him! But I can't tell him how I feel. He's my best friend Kairi. I need to stop these feelings. I don't want them"

"then find someone y/n. You never want to talk to anyone? Your always hanging out with us, we love you we do and I know we can be a little judgmental weigh any guy but that's because we don't want you getting hurt"
Kairi said

"fine. I'll find a guy"

"How are you gonna explain this to Mattia?l

"I have no I-

My little sister yelled


"Mattia is here!"

"I don't wanna talk right now! Tell him to go!"

I heard footsteps walking up and I got up running to the door closing it but Mattia stopped it from closing

"Beat you to it"

"Mattia what do you want?"

"Why is Kairi here? I saw him jump up to your window?"
He asked

"Because he's my best friend and not a jerk?"

"I said I was sorry ok! Now why the hell did you kiss me earlier?! I know it wasn't the first time we kissed but you just did it at random?!"

I had to think of something quick

"I kissed you so you could shut up okay?! I know I shouldn't have but I did Mattia!"

"So then who do you like?! I just want you to be my best friend and not keep secrets from me?! I know I messed up but please y/n? Just please don't lie to me."

"I just. It doesn't matter now Mattia, ok? Can you just be my best friend and trust me on this? Please?"

Mattia sighed

He said

"thank you, now can you guys go home?"
I asked

"no, we're gonna go live cuz tiktok room is all about us right now"

Mattia jumped on my bed and I laid in between Kairi and him

He got out his phone and went live

"hey guys! Y/n isn't mad at me anymore. Um we talked it out and we're good now. I got my best friend back!"
Mattia said and put his arm over me

"She was never mad at me so I'm good"
Kairi said

mattiagf-she's taking my man!
kairisbae-we love friends that make up!

"Alright that's all we wanted to say bye!"
I yelled out

They left my house and I took a long shower and laid done on my bed scrolling through my phone

Liked by defnoty/n,alespam,and thousands of others polybioh-guys @defnoty/n forgave me❤️So I'm happy now! Also I stole her monkey🙈

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Liked by defnoty/n,alespam,and thousands of others
polybioh-guys @defnoty/n forgave me❤️So I'm happy now! Also I stole her monkey🙈

defnoty/n-I still hate you

roshauna-finally she did cause Mattia was crying about her 😭
^^aloevera-balling his eyes out cause he fucked up😂

alespam-just to let y'all know Mattia is a pussy when it comes to y/n being mad at him
^^user1-cause he's in love with her❤️
^^kairispam-anyways! NEXT CALLER!

In love with my bestfriend | | Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now