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I didn't proof read this. Sorry I didn't update  I've been doing some things

The ambulance got to school and our y2n in the car and Mattia got in with her. They had said she broke her arm and Mattia called y/n's mom to tell her what happened. Once they got to their hospital they well y/n into the emergency room and the doctors checked on her. They did x-rays seeing ex's what she broke, they took her into a room and gave her some pills to help stop some of the pain she was having

"so how bad does it hurt?"
Mattia said

I looked at him annoyed

"Bad Mattia. It's hurts bad"
I said

"well at least your not alone"
He said shaking me his hand

"you cut your knuckles. I broke a bone. There's a difference"
I said

The door opened and my mom walked in

"what happened?"
She said walking by my side

"I was playing soccer and someone was running beside me and they tripped falling on top of me and I broke a bone in my arm."
I said

"the doctors are gonna take her to another room to fix her arm and then put a cast over it"
Mattia said

"and how's your hand?"
My mom said asking Mattia

"It's fine, y/n was with me when I was here and I'm gonna be here with her"
Mattia said smiling at my mom And my mom smiled back

The doctor came in

"alright, we gonna put her to sleep with anesthesia and fix your arm"

The doctor said to my mom

The anesthesiologists put y/n to sleep and took her to another room putting her arm back into place and a cats over it. After 2 hours she was back in her room

"when she wakes up she'll be a little out droopy and it'll almost be like she's drunk"
The doctor

Y/n mom nodded and the boys went straight to the hospital after they left school.

"how long is the cast gonna be on?"
Kairi asked

"there gonna check in a couple weeks then see if she needs it longer"
Mattia said

Y/n started to wake up

"oh she's awake"
Roshaun said

"hey y/n"
My mom said

"mom? Why is there so many boys here?"
Y/n asked

Alvaro said

"the doctor said she's gonna seem a like she's drunk cause the anesthesia"
Mattia said

"we're your best friends"
Alejandro said

"all of you?"
Y/n asked

They all said chuckling

Y/n said

Y/n pulled her mom in closer whispering in her ear

"He's cute"
Y/n said pointing at Mattia

"what did she say?"
Kairi asked

"she said Mattia's cute"
Her mom said with a little giggle

"Mom you weren't supposed to tell him!"
Y/n yelled pushing her moms arm

"thank you"
Mattia said smiling

"your welcome pretty boy"
Y/n said smiling

In love with my bestfriend | | Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now