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I didn't proof read this

"hey guys did you hear there's-

She stopped talking after she seen hector standing in front of the boys

"hey baby"
Hector said smiling

"don't call her that"
Mattia said

Y/n started backing up not taking her eye off hector and once he walked closer to her she ran out gym class and the boys ran after her

"wait y/n"
Mattia said running faster then a the boys and y/n was at her locker

"god you run fast"
Roshaun said catching his breath

"why is he here?"
Y/n asked

"we don't know"
Alejandro said

"is that why you guys were acting weird this morning"
I said

"yea. We seen him by your locker and once we seen you we ran to you trying h to hide him"
Kairi said

"and that's why I kissed you"
Mattia said

"why didn't you just like walk in front of her or something else?"
Alvaro said

"It's the only thing that popped up into my head okay?!"
Mattia yelled out

Hector said jogging to me

Once hector got to us the boys stood in front of me blocking hector from seeing me

"go away hector"
Kairi said

"I wanna talk to her"
Hector said

"about what? How you left her?"
Mattia said

"without even telling her why?"
Alejandro said

"not answering her calls or texts?"
Alvaro said

"while we were by her side the entire time she was crying for you"
Roshaun said

"I just wanna talk"
Hector said calmly

I squeezed in between Mattia and Alejandro

"I'll be fine"
I said to the boys and they nodded

"we'll be at the steps"
Mattia said

I nodded and grabbed hectors hand and walked to the corner by the bathroom while the boys sat on the steps

"what do you want hector?"
I said annoyed

"I wanna talk"
He said

"y'all about what? How you left me? How you left without saying anything to me? How you didn't answer me when I called or texted you?"
I said

"and I'm sorry"
He said

"it's too fucking late for you sorry's hector. It's been a year since you left, a year of me thinking that I didn't need a man to make me happy, no stretch that, I didn't need a boyfriend to make me happy"
I said

"so who makes you happy"
Hector said starting to get mad

I said pointing to the boys

"they make me happy hector! They have been there for me since the day I met them, they have never lied to me, they are the only men that make me happy"
I said

"so you don't love me anymore"
He said

"To be honest with you, I don't know, I don't know if I love you, I know I did love you, but now I don't know, kinda hard to love someone when they just leave you"
I said

"so that's it? Your not gonna give me another chance?"
He asked

I said walking off but he pulled me closer to him kissing me and I couldn't help but to kiss back, I may have hated him for what he did but deep down I still had something for him

~the boys~

"Pull away y/n"
Alvaro said

Mattia got up but the boys stopped him

"He doesn't deserve her"
Mattia said

"we know that Mattia, but we also know that y/n ain't dumb enough to go back to hector"
Roshaun said

"so then why hasn't she stopped kissing him?!"
Mattia said

"because we all know she still sees him as the guys she loved, she just needs to see him for what he really is"
Kairi said

"and that's a jerk"
Alejandro said

Once I kissed him the memories fled back, the memories to when I was happy with him, when we spent everyday with each other, the the memory of him leaving got to me. Of him walking away, him saying he didn't want to be with me anymore and getting up leaving, and I just sat there watching him go. Then I pulled away

I looked at him, my eyes began to water

"you asshole!"
I said pushing him and he looked confused

"I thought you wanted me to"
He said

"why would I want you to?! You are a complete jerk! I can't believe I actually ever dated you! I should have listened to the boys when they told me you were gonna hurt me!"
I said pushing him away and the boys ran to me pulling me away from hector

"let me go!"
I said to Mattia who was holding me back

"calm down!"
He said while I tried getting out of his grip

"hector just go"
Roshaun said putting his hand out so he wouldn't come closer to me

"I just wanna talk"
He said

"just leave!"
Alejandro said and hector walked away

"Mattia let me go"
I said

He said

"Mattia he's gone, just do it"
Kairi said and Mattia let me go and I stood there silent

"you okay?"
Mattia asked

"that's a dumb question"
Alvaro mumbled and roshaun elbowed him

"why did he come back? To hurt me again?"
I said crying and Mattia immediately pulled me in and hugged me and the boys hugged us

"He's not gonna hurt you"
Roshaun said

"he's gonna have to go through us"
Kairi said

"and we pretty strong"
Alvaro said

"shut up with your 4'11 ass"
Roshaun said and we all started laughing

"We're strong"
Kairi said pulling away from the hug

"an ant is stronger than you"
Alejandro said

"Yea but I'm the strongest"
Mattia said

"nah it's Alejandro"
Roshaun said

"bullshit! Y/n who's the strongest. Come on tell them it's me"
He said pushing my shoulder

"I think it's Alejandro"
I said and the boys started laughing

Mattia complained

"Technically y/n's the strongest cause we can't hit her back"
Alejandro said

"what do you mean we always fight with her?"
Alvaro said

"yes but that's messing around"
Kairi said

"we were messing around?"
Alvaro said

"wait so you were hitting me like for real?"
I said

Alvaro said running away and the boys chased him

In love with my bestfriend | | Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now