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*The next day*
I woke up and brushed my teeth. It was Saturday morning so I just laid in my bed. I couldn't get Mattia out of my head. The dream kept replaying over and over again non-stop.
I was on my phone when Kairi walked in my room

What are you doing here?
I said a little freaked out

your mom let me in? Why didn't you go to Mattia's party last night? He said you were sick and acting weird?

Uhh I am sick. *fake coughing*
You should go. I'll see you at school Monday

Your hiding something. You fake cough when your freaking out spill it.
He said sitting in my bed and looking at me

Fine. But you can't tell anyone not even the boys about this kai

Why not?

Just promise me. Please! Or imma tell Aliz you like her
He gasped

You wouldn't.

fine. I wouldn't do that cause you only time me and you used the word. I gasped and smirked at Kairi

Don't you use that word. You can only use that word ONE TIME! and you know we can't tell anyone!

peanut butter

Yea I know what your thinking "peanut butter"? Roshuan came up with it. When we use that word we can only use it when it's a BIG DEAL!! And whoever you told "peanut butter" too. Which is your "secret" they can't tell anyone. Lest say I told the boys "peanut butter" they all know but they can't tell anyone else. And I used that word on Kairi which means he can't tell anyone not even the boys. Kairi said "peanut butter" last month to me and said he liked Aliz so I can't tell anyone or talk about it with anyone but him

You did it. Fine I won't tell
He said crossing his arm

I know you won't

So. What's up?

I had a dream about Mattia

What was it about

Well we were at his party and he told me to fake date him to get Ashley away from him and them I kissed him and my hand traced down his body and then I chugged a few beers and I didn't feel like partying anymore and I walked down to his room and he followed me and then we were messing around and I fell on top of him and then we kissed and then that kiss led to yk. And then I woke up by Mattia shaking me and then he asked if I was okay and put his hand on my knee and that when i started freaking out and pushed him out my room and called Aliz

I said quickly and he just looked at me with his eyes wide open and his hand over his mouth

You had a sexual dream about Mattia.... our bestfriend Mattia. Why?!

I don't know!! And when I told Aliz about it I said I felt something tingle in my stomach and she said I got butterflies and I said why and she said I probably like him!

Do you?!

What?! No! I don't think so! I never thought about it! I can't like Mattia Kairi!

Look it's fine. Just don't act weird around him. Act like nothing happened
He said calming me down and I nodded and he chuckled


you like Mattia
He said smiling and I slapped his shoulder

Shut up your simping for Aliz
I said laughing and he just looked at me serious and threw his head in my pillows.
After a couple minutes the boys walked in my room

What's up bitches!

He slammed the door open and jumped in my bed and I scooted over to the wall and Mattia laid next to me and I just kept dealing out but I didn't show it and Alejandro was messing around with Alvaro and I got up and went to the bathroom washing my face? Why am I feeling like this?

In love with my bestfriend | | Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now