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Y/n and Mattia slept on her together. When they came back from the dance they just sat there eating some food and snacks, after they were done eating y/n laid down covering herself with her blanket, Mattia admires her focusing in the movie, since the boys decided to watch a scary movie y/n got acted a couple times, she was never a fan of horror movies, Mattia laid down taking some of the blanket and got closer to y/n, her back was facing him most of the movie till she turned around and put her head on his stomach, mattia smiled a hit and started playing with her hair a bit

At they moment he knew he wanted to be with her,  there was nothing stopping him getting with her, but there was still a thought in his head, can he really be with her? Or will she just see him as her best friend who plays girls?

He started to doze off, thinking of y/n, he images them both in her room listening to music together, seeing her smile that could light about any dark room, hearing her laugh made his heart skip a beat, seeing how happy she was made him happy, y/n jumped onto him hugging him and he hugged her back, his heart was racing, he let her go and just stared at her, admiring her beauty

"kiss me"
she said

Mattia places his hand on her cheek and slowly moved his thumb

He leaned in kissing y/n as she kissed back, he seen fireworks, he get happy with a girl, this girl was the only girl who make him happy, who made him feel good about himself, who didn't just like him because of his looks or fame, who didn't just want to hook up with him for "clout" y/n never cared about him fame, never cared about his looks, she just loved him, loved how he treated her, they made each other very happy, but his dream was ruined by hearing something happening and he woke up hearing y/n throwing up in the bathroom

He got up quickly and walked to her holding her hair up

She said

"don't be, I'll get you some medicine and water"
Mattia said getting up

He walked downstairs grabbed a cup of water and some medicine and walked back upstairs seeing y/n brushing her teeth

He handed her the cup of water and medicine. She took some and sat back down in her bed

"you okay?"
Mattia said leaning down looking at her

"yea, it's just really hot"
She said

Mattia got up turning on her ac

"alright, just go back to sleep"
He said laying down opening his arms, y/n lashes down next to him wrapping her arm around him placing her head beside him as she fell to sleep

•Skip to the morning•

The boys woke up and jumped onto y/n and Mattia who were still cuddling

"morning bitches!"
Roshaun said yelling

"it's too early!"
Y/m wined

"it's 10am"
Kairi said

"what are we gonna do today"
Alejandro asked

Y/n said

"it's too hot to do anything"
Alvaro said

"we can go in Mattia's pool"
Roshaun said

"bet! That's what we're doing today"
Alejandro said

"you wanna do they Aliz?"
Kairi asked

She mumbled since she was half asleep

"ok but after we eat cause I'm hungry"
Kairi said

"me too"
Mattia said getting up from the bed

"go get food and we'll do what we we agreed on"
Y/n said

The boys out there shoes on but Kairi and Alejandro decided to stay

"Ok I'll be back"
Mattia said kissing y/n's cheek but realizing what he did and looked at everyone who looked shocked, even y/n

"why'd you do that?"
Y/n said

"do what?"
Mattia said trying to hide the fact that he kissed her

"you kissed her cheek"
Roshaun said

"no I didn't"
Mattia said

"he's you did"
Alvaro said

"you guys are crazy"
Mattia said

"no you definitely kissed her, you sounded like you guys were together"
Alejandro said

"no I didn't"
Mattia said looking at Kairi

"just go"
Y/n said pushing them out the door

She sat down on her bed going on her phone

"so you still like him?"
Alejandro said

"I don't know, I haven't really thought about it"

"what do you mean you haven't thought about it? You would get so nervous around him and now your acting like it's back to normal"
Kairi said

"It's just, my kind has been on Quinton, I really liked him and I actually thought I would give this a shot, but then last night happened"

"look Quinton is a dick for doing that and I'm glad Mattia punched him, but I want you to think if you still have feelings for him"
Kairi said

"why does it matter? he doesn't know"

"because you look at Mattia like you want to be with him. You didn't look at Quinton that way"
Aliz said

"look y/n Mattia is an asshole and we all know that, but when it comes to our friendship especially you and him he just acts like he's protecting you, he already acts like your boyfriend"
Alejandro said

"all of you guys protect me"

"but who doesn't let a guy talk to you bad"
Kairi said

I said

"and who punched Quinton and hector"

I said

"and who do you want to be with right now, the one person you would choose to be with"

I said

"and there's your answer"
Kairi said

"I hate that your right, I'm going to get water"
I said walking out the room

"hey are you guys a thing?"
Alejandro said to Aliz and Kairi

"no why?"
Kairi said

"cause Aliz wanted to sleep next to you last night"
Ale said

"oh no that was because-

Kairi our his hand over her face

Kairi said

"nah nah nah, you gotta tell me"
Ale said

Kairi said

"what happened to we tell each other everything?!"
Ale said

"trust me I want to but he said if i tell anyone he'll tell everyone I broke my arm jumping off my bed and not in soccer!"
Kairi said

"Kairi! Everyone knows that! It's not that big of a deal"
Alejandro said

Aliz took Kairis hand off

"Mattia likes y/n!"
Aliz said

Alejandro said

"Yes! So we gotta put them together"

Sorry I haven't updated. I've been writing three books in my drafts

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