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We got to the hospital and they took Mattia and I to a room where they checked his hand seeing if he broke anything. The doctor said he just needed a couple stitches and they'll be right back

"so why'd you punch the mirror?"
I said

"got mad"
He said

I said

"doesn't matter"
He said

I got a phone call from my mom


hey mom

Where are you?

at the hospital. Mattia cut his hand and I drove him here

alright, come back as soon as you leave the hospital


I hung up the phone and the doctor came in with a nurse and gave Mattia 10 stitches and wrapped his hand up

"ok Mattia, your all set, comeback to take the stitches off in a few weeks and don't get your hand wet"
The doctor

Mattia nodded and they gave him some pain killers and we left the hospital and I drove back home

We got up to his room and I started cleaning up the mess

"you don't have to clean up my mess"
He said

"well I'm gonna, theres glass and blood everywhere"
I said

"thank you"
He said

"are you gonna take a shower?"
I said

He said

I threw the glass in the trash can and cleaned up the blood drops on the floor. I seen Mattia and he was trying to take off his shirt

"need help?"
I said

"no I got it"
He said trying to take his shirt off but he hit his hand and groaned shutting his eyes

I walked over to him and helped him take off his shirt. I grabbed the bag the doctor gave us so he could shower and put it on his hand tying it

He said

I said

"can you unbutton my pants? I can't do it"
He said

I unbuttoned his pants and walked out the bathroom

"im gonna go home. See you at school"
I said

I walked out and walked to my house telling my mom I was home and went to my room grabbed some clothes and took a shower. After that I turned the lights off and went on my phone for a bit and went to sleep

~Next day~
I woke up and brushed my teeth. I put on some pants and threw a sweater on and brushed my hair. I didn't put any makeup besides mascara and I put on my vans. I grabbed my backpack and phone and walked downstairs

my mom had made pancakes and we all sat down eating

"so how's Mattia?"
my mom asked

"good, they gave him some stitches"
I said

"what happened?"
My sister said

"I don't know, all he said was he got mad and punched the mirror"
I said

"so your driving him?"
Alyssa said

I said

we got up after we ate and cleaned the dishes. We said bye to our mom and Alyssa grabbed her things and we walked out.

Alyssa stood outside while I walked in to Mattia's house. I went upstairs to his room and he was trying to button his pants but he couldn't since when they wrapped his hand they wrapped all his fingers but his thumb

He seen me and threw his hands up

"can you help me?"
He said


I said walking over to his and buttoning his pants and zipping up the zipper

I said

He nodded and grabbed his backpack and we walked downstairs

I unblocked the car and Alyssa got in the back and I drove to her school and then drove to school parking the car and handing Mattia the keys

"so your kiss with Quinton"
Mattia said

I looked at him

"how do you-
He cut me off

"I was closing my curtain when I seen you two kissing"
He said

I said

"so you uhh you like him?"
he said

"kinda, I umm I wanna get over this other person that I feel I like but I don't want to"
I said

Mattia I think I like you, I think I love you, of course I love you but I think I'm in love with you. But I dot want to fall in love because I don't want any out friendship to end.
I thought to myself

"who are you trying to get over?"
He asked

What do I say? I can't say "I'm trying to get over you because I had a dream about you and that's bringing feelings and I think I'm in love with you"
Think y/n!

I looked at him

I was going to say something when someone said my name

Mattia and I looked around and Kairi walked to us

"hey guy-woah! What happened to your hand?!"
He said

"I punched the mirror and cut my knuckles"
He said

Kairi said

"nothing just got mad"
Mattia said

we walked in the school and Alejandro roshaun and Alvaro weren't there yet. We got to my locker and I grabbed my textbook and we were just talking Till Chelsea walked to us

"hey Mattia. What happened with your hand"
She said touching his arm

"hurt it"
He said clearly annoyed

"wanna go to the dance with me?"
She asked him

He said

"come on we'll have fun"
She's wild biting her bottom lip and Kairi just looked at me and gagged and I started laughing

"what's so funny?"
Chelsea said annoyed

"nothing nothing"
Kairi and I said covering our mouths

"aye bitches! What the fuck is Chelsea doing here?"
roshaun said and Kairi and I started laughing again

"your an idiot y/n"
Chelsea said

"bitch, I know?! You ain't gotta tell me twice, but right now I'm not the one trying to get a guy that doesn't want you"
I said

"that's not what he said 2 nights ago"
he said crossing where arms

"you did her again?"
Roshuan said

"wasn't good, I didn't even finish"
He said

roshaun started laughing and he fell in the floor which caused Kairi and I to laugh

"Imma piss myself"
Kaikr said which made me laugh more

Chelsea pushed me and I made a straight face

"here we go"
Mattia said

"you ain't gonna stop them?"
Roshaun said

"I gotta stitches and we all know y/n is gonna win"
Mattia said

I pushed Chelsea back and and she fell on the floor but before anything could happen the security guard yelled out and took me to the office

In love with my bestfriend | | Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now