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It's been a week since Halloween, been a week since I made the boys dress in maid costumes, been a week since I told Kairi I kissed Mattia. Been a week since I kissed Mattia. And been a week since I actually talked to Mattia without feeling like I want to grab his face and just kiss him all over again, I can't talk to him without thinking that. And he can barely talk to me

It was Monday morning and I was in bed listening to music since it was 6am when I looked up seeing Mattia in his room laying in his bed, every time I try and talk to him he says he's busy doing things when I know he's not, and I know kairi hasn't told the boys about Mattia and I cause if he did the boys would have called me immediately

I got up from my bed and walked out my house knocking on Mattia's house, his little brother answered it saying he was upstairs, I said hi to his mom and dad first before going upstairs to his room

as son as he seen me he quickly sat up, he was shirtless only wearing his sweatpants

"hey, sorry I haven't talked to you but I just feel
I cut him off

Y/n-Mattia you and I kissed, and it wasn't our first kiss but this kiss was different

Mattia-very different

Y/n-yes, but you haven't talked to me in a week and you act all weird

Mattia-it's cause you kissed me out of no where and then acted like nothing happened

Y/n-you were so close to my face and I just got in the moment and kissed you

Mattia-yea, and then you acted like nothing happened the whole night

Y/n-well I couldn't take you seriously I. The maid costume!

Mattia thoughts

I have to tell her I like her, I just can't take it anymore. She never leaves my head! And the day she kissed me just keeps replaying over and over again, I like her I do and I'm pretty sure she likes me too it's just I don't know what she'll do

Mattia-screw it, y/n I-

I got cut off by her phone ringing and she answered it

Y/n-Kairi I can't talk right now

Kairi-everyone is calling you a whore cause Chelsea spread a rumor saying you slept with every guys at the Halloween party

Y/n-oh great, so I'm a whore now

Kairi-don't worry, we got you, just get here

I hung up the phone and Mattia had heard everything since it was on speaker

Mattia-I know that face, that's the I'm have an idea face

Y/n-meet you in 30 minutes

I left his house and ran up to my room quickly turning the curling iron on, I washed my body and looked in my closet for an outfit

Since Chelsea wants to say I'm a whore I guess I gotta show her I am, guessing she's still jealous Mattia chose our friendship instead of her

I grabbed a skirt lace tights and a t-shirt that showed my chest, I pot that on and some black converse, I did my makeup and curled my hair (or whatever hairstyle you want)

I grabbed my things and walked downstairs

"bye mom"

"wait wait! What are you wearing?"

"some girl at school spread a rumor that I slept with every guy at the Halloween party and said I'm a whore, so instead of being sad and made fun of I'm gonna act like it"

"is it that Chelsea girl?"

"yea, how'd you know?"

"Mattia's mom told me that she would knock at the door all the time, have a good day at school"

"so your not mad I'm dressing like this?"

"I wouldn't let you out like that but if it's to stop the runout I'm fine with it, good luck and eat breakfast with hen you get there"

I walked out the house and Mattia was waiting for me in front of his care

Mattia-hell no!

Y/n-come on we're gonna be late

Mattia-no! Your not going out in that

Y/n-yes I am,if Chelsea wants to say I'm a whore than I better dress like it

Mattia-I'm not taking you
he crossed his arms

Y/n-fine, I'll just take the bus

Mattia-no, the bus is full of old guys looking for teenage girls to stare at

Y/n-then take me to school

Mattia-fine, but your not a whore

Y/n-yea I know that, but Chelsea is not gonna try and bring me down

Mattia-aren't you cold?

Y/n-yes, but like god said a hoe never gets cold
I said getting in the car and heard Mattia giggle

so sadly this book is going to end soon but I promise they will confess their feelings for eachother

In love with my bestfriend | | Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now