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I woke up around 6am, Mattia was still laying on my chest with his hand around my waist, I couldn't fall back to sleep since I had to go to school, as much as I wanted to stay with him I couldn't, I got up and Mattia just laid down on the couch, I walked to the restroom did what I did, I washed my hands and splashed water on my face,  I walked out and grabbed my phone, then noticed Mattia wake up

Mattia-come back to sleep
he mumbled while his eyes were still shut, he looked peaceful,tired, cute

Y/n-I gotta go home so I can change for school

Mattia-stay in the hospital with me, I'm gonna be bored and alone
he said finally sitting up from the couch

Y/n-can't. I'll come after school, I gotta take my cast off anyway

Mattia-fine, take my car
he said tossing me his keys

his brother woke up and sat up

he said running his eyes

Y/n-morning. Mattia is gonna stay with you while me and the boys go to school, but I'll bring you some food after?

Gian-ok. And I'll tell you if Mattia is mean

Y/n-alright, call me if anything comes up, bye boys
I said walking out the room

Gian turned back at Mattia and started smiling

Mattia- what?

Gian-your a simp

Mattia-shut up

Gian-Mattia and y/n sitting in a tree

Mattia-gian. Shut the fuck up
he said calming and gian started laughing

I got to Mattia's car and started to drive to my house. Once I got there I walked in and walked up to my room, I took a quick shower then changed into some ripped jeans a t-shirt and put on some shoes, I did some light makeup which was a little concealer bit of mascara some lashes eyeliner in my waterline and some blush. I put on lipgloss and just fixed my hair

I threw on some jewelry and grabbed my bag phone and AirPods. I walked down stairs and sat with my mom

Mom-how's Mattia doing?

Y/n-he's worried

Mom-and his parents? And brother?

Y/n-his mom is in a coma. She was hit pretty bad. And his dad is pretty bad as well, he seen his brother and he's with him right now but we don't know when he'll get to see his parents

Mom-are you going to go after school?

Y/n-yea, I'll see you tonight though

she kissed my head and Alyssa got in the car and I dropped her off at school

I drove to school them parked the car, grabbed my bag locked the car and made sure I put the keys away. I walked into school seeing the boys by my locker

Y/n-hey guys
I said opening my locker and putting some books in

Alejandro-hey so guess what we heard

Y/n-what? Did Alvaro finally loose his virginity?
I said giving a grin

Alvaro-I hate your guys

Alejandro-Chelsea got knocked up

Y/n-wait she's pregnant?!

I said shocked. I mean we all knew she was gonna get pregnant eventually fucking guys everyday. you thought Mattia has bodies? Well Chelsea has more

Kairi-and the best part is she's saying it's Mattia who  knocked her up

Y/n-wait what? H-how?!

Roshaun-I told her you shouldn't tell her that!

Kairi-well it's not true? We all know Mattia doesn't finish in them

Alvaro-well duh. Who does?

Y/n-ok! Enough with that! but how do you guys know this?

Alejandro-she's told some people who told us

Y/n-son if a bitch, come on
I said walking pretty fast

Kairi-where are we going?

Y/n-ditching school and going to Mattia

Roshaun-aren't we gonna get in trouble?

Y/n-don't best friends come before anything else, if this gets out of hand YOUR entire fandom with find out and drama will happen

Alejandro-but I don't wanna walk

Y/n-were not. I got Mattia's car

We walked to the parking lot and I drove out of school

He yelled out and I pushed on the brakes


Alvaro-can we get food before we go to Mattia?

Roshaun-why did you yell?

Alvaro-I don't know?

I started driving again and they wanted Chic-fil-a so I got there food my food and gian and Mattia's food, I drove to the hospital and we all got off holding onto the food. We got out visitors pass got in the elevator and into the floor we needed to be on, we walked into the room seeing them both watch tv the hospital provided

Mattia-thought you were going to school?

Kairi-Yea something came up

Y/n-we'll tell you later, but we brought food

I gave gian his food and he sat up from the bed

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been writing other books that I haven't published

In love with my bestfriend | | Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now