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after an hour and a half we stopped playing volleyball and sat on in the kitchen drinking water.

"why did I say ALEJANDRO?! Am I that stupid?! What the actual fuck was I thinking?!"

"It's fine y/n. Alejandro would understand and be probably actually knows how to keep a secret. You just have to explain it to him."
Aliz said

"yea. You don't how our friend group. Once one of them knows they all do."
Kairi said

"that's why I didn't tell any of them besides Kairi and you"

I just put my head down and as soon as I did the door busted open and the boys ran to me

"you like Alejandro!!"
Alvaro yelled out

I just puked my head up and looked at them while they laughed

"I can't believe you like Alejandro!!"
Roshaun chuckled

I got up and walked past them going to my room

"Wait y/n! You good? We're still friends?"
Alejandro asked


I walked up to my room and threw my myself on my bed and Aliz sat down with me

"you okay?"
She asked

"not one bit. Aliz what did I put myself into?"

"a very bad situation"

Mattia walked into my room and leaned on the door

"get out"
I said

"you good?"

"Does it look like I'm good Mattia?"

"Look I didn't mean to tell him it just slipped out"

"I'm sorry? You didn't mean to tell him?! So you didn't mean to drive to Alejandro's house after I told you to not to tell him! And you didn't mean to tell him?!"

"look we're best friends and we tell each other things!"

"But I told you not to and that's what your suppose to do! I know we're not suppose to keep secrets but this secret was important to me! Just get out of my house! I don't want to see you right now"

I pushed him out my door and slammed it and sat down on my bed

"Wanna got eat?"
I asked Aliz

"If that takes your mind of things"

I changed and out my shoes on and we walked out my house and walked to McDonald's.

we decided to eat there and then we walked back to my house and Mattia was looking through his window. He waved but I just flipped him off and walked back up to my room.

"Can I sleepover? You don't have school tomorrow and your my only friend?"
Aliz asked

"yea sure"

"ok, I'll be back though cause I have to get my clothes and stuff."

I nodded and she walked out the house and I took a long ass shower blasting music.

I got put out and put on some shorts and a t-shirt. I cleaned up my room and turned on the TV putting on a movie to watch later.


I heard my phone buzz. I looked at it and seen a text message from Mattia


look im sorry! I didn't think it was

cause you never think Mattia!
all you think about is quick girl your
gonna fuck!

I'll tell Alejandro to drop it
why does it matter what girl I fuck?!

Idgaf if he knows!
and it matters cause you can never
find a girl to be with!
shut leave me alone!

nah I'm coming over

no your not Mattia!
Aliz is sleeping over and she gets nervous
around anyone.

I'm sorry
Read at 9:30

I stopped texting him and Aliz came over. She said she was going g to shower so I just nodded and scrolled through Instagram

 She said she was going g to shower so I just nodded and scrolled through Instagram

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Liked by kaispam,alespam,aloevera,roshauna,and thousands of others

notmattia-I really fucked up

user1-you got in a fight with the boys?
^notmattia-the boys and I are fine
^user2-what did you do to y/n?!

user3-I'm glad you and y/n are friends. Hated her
^^notmattia-we're still friends. Just and argument. And your off my spam for hating on
user4-they just mad she's friends with you guys

kaispam-fucking call me then!
^^alespam-nah text on the group chat^

user5-@defnoty/n forgive him!
^^defnoty/n-no thank you✋🏼

Liked by alizspam,kaispam, alespam and thousands of others

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Liked by alizspam,kaispam, alespam and thousands of others

defnoty/n-Aliz just pushed me off the bed so enjoy this pic she hates of herself❤️

alizspam-it was accident.
^^defnoty/n-we both know it wasn't

user1-what happened between u and Mattia?
^^defnoty/n-non of your business❤️
^user1-it was just a question. Don't need to get all butt hurt about it
user2-she didn't need to answer your question^

alespam-answer the group chat!!
^^defnoty/n-no. I'm vibing to the music

user3-are you 2 still friends?
^^defnoty/n-yes but not at this moment cause he's a dick!

I don't put they're actual spams cause no.

In love with my bestfriend | | Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now