04: Bed

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The last time Kaminari babysit the twins is 3 years ago and now that he get to babysit them again, he's not surprised to find out that Itsuki got the same quirk as Katsuki while Yatsuki has the quirk control to fire and smoke. He can be sure that both Itsuki and Yatsuki is going to grow up to become a very fine demons- um, pro hero like their Dad and Mum!

Lying with his face down on the floor, Kaminari was currently suffering from an unbearable pain on his lower half. A few minutes ago, he was playing with the pups. They wanted to become the best heroes like their parents. So when they suggested that they play a game of pretending to be hero and villain, Kaminari was totally fine with it. The pups play the role of a hero duo while he play the role of a villain. Everything was fun until Itsuki punch him.


While Itsuki and Yatsuki is cheering and happy with their 'victory', Kaminari was dying and groaning in pain over here. The door opens and Kaminari didn't need to look up to see that his roommate, Kirishima Eijiro, has return from his hero work.

"Woah! What happened here?!" Kirishima exclaimed as soon as he saw the scene in front of him.

"We defeated a villain!" both Itsuki and Yatsuki said.

"Oh, playing hero and villain right?" Kirishima smiled and crouch down to pat the pups on the head. "Where's your Mum and Dad?"

"Mum and Dad went out to buy a new bed." Itsuki replied.

"Huh? Why?"

"We don't know. We were staying at our friend's house last night and when we come back home today, Mum and Dad told us that they are going out to buy a bed because the one they sleep on is broken." Yatsuki said.

"After that they drop us here and told us that they will come and pick us up once they are done shopping." Itsuki continued.

"Sounds like Bakugou and Midoriya went really 'wild' last night." Kirishima thought. Giving Kaminari a look of pity, he can only guess that the blond was worn out with all the playing. Guess he shall play with the pups while Kaminari is taking a break.


(Meanwhile, at the store...)

"Give us the bed that can withstand all kind of intense fucking." Katsuki demanded as he glare at the female staff.

"Kacchan! Why must you put it that way?!" Izuku exclaimed with a blush on his face.

The staff blushed too and slowly gesture towards the bed on her left, "If that's the case, this would be the best-"

"I'll take it." Katsuki said, cutting the staff off in the middle of an explanation.

"That was fast..." the staff thought.

Izuku cover his face with both hands and internally scream because the embarrassment is too much for him to handle. Right now, if a black hole were to appear out of nowhere, he probably won't have any problem jumping into it.

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