09: Doting grandparents

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Katsuki and Izuku has deal with many difficult-to-solve problems before. But when their parents visit their house with many bags of food, presents, toys, clothes for baby and children... they have no idea how they are going to put it away.

Staring at all the things that was placed on the floor in one corner, Izuku can feel a headache coming. He understand the urge to buy cute clothes for his own pup but honestly, pups grow up very quickly and buying too much clothes for them is a little...

Now holding the newborn pup in her arm, Inko smiled as Mitsuki is busy taking photos of them. Meanwhile, Itsuki and Yatsuki is having fun with their new toys and making a mess on the floor (but it's alright because Izuku and Katsuki taught them to always clean up after playing). Once Mitsuki's done snapping photos of their daughter, it will be the twins turn soon.

"Have you decided on a name for her, Izuku?" Inko asked.

"Yes, her name is Bakugou Izuna." Izuku replied.

Mitsuki lower the camera and gently ran her hand through the sleeping Izuna's blond hair that faded to green at the end. "Even though she's still a newborn pup, she already has this much hair. Reminds me a lot of Katsuki."

"Izuku too, has a lot of hair when was still a newborn pup." Inko laughed softly. Izuna made a small noise and slowly open her tired red eyes. Inko smiles fondly at the pup. "Ah, sorry. We must have woke you up."

"Come to think about it, where's old man? He didn't came with you today?" Katsuki questioned, never really expect anyone to answer him. Since every adults was pretty much focusing on his sleepy pup.

"Oh, he currently carrying the rest of bags over here." Mitsuki replied.

At her words, both Izuku and Katsuki froze. More things are coming?! Just how many stuff did these doting grandparents brought?!

Sure, their pups are happy about it but... damn, looks like it's going to take them a week to be able to put everything away.

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