06: Naming war

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Today is a peaceful day.

No villains is attacking anyone, robbing a back or whatever shit they can do without feeling remorse. However, it was a freaking war right now at the number one and two hero's household. Why? Because they found out that there are going to have a daughter and now it's a naming war.

"Like I said! I'm not going to let you name our daughter 'Explosion murder'!" Izuku shouted at his Alpha, who is glaring at him for arguing with his 'oh-so-wonderful' naming sense. No matter what, Izuku's not going to give this up and let Katsuki name their unborn daughter.

"Why not?!" Katsuki shouted back.

"Because that's not a proper name!"

Much to Izuku's dismay, the twins (who is watching from the side) joined in to take Katsuki's side.

"But why?!"

"That's a really cool name!"

Dealing with one 'Bakugou' is already difficult enough for him and now two more is joining in? Damn it, why must Itsuki and Yatsuki share the same naming sense as Katsuki? At this rate, Izuku's going to start praying to the gods and hope that their daughter is more like him instead of Katsuki.

"Fine! Then how about Explosion-"


"I haven't even finish saying it!"

"No means no!"

"Deku, you-"

"Don't think about arguing with me when it comes to names, Bakugou Katsuki. What I says goes and that's final."

Just like that, Izuku manage to shut all three of them up. They knew that the moment Katsuki's REAL NAME come out, Izuku's deadly serious about it. Even if Izuku's pregnant right now, it doesn't change the fact that he's the number one hero in Japan, an Omega that most of the villains doesn't mess with.

The daily life of Alpha Kacchan and Omega Deku (Omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now