10: Swear jar

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"Are you sure you'll be fine?" Katsuki asked again. He's going to be leaving for work but the thought of leaving his mate alone to take care of the twins and their newborn pup is making him worried.

"Yes, my mum will be coming over later so you don't have to worry." Izuku said, holding the awake Izuna in his arms. Izuna stare at Katsuki with her big and innocent red eyes and tried to reach out for her dad. Seeing this, Izuku smiles and grab one of her tiny hands and wave it, making it looks like she's waving goodbye. "Come on, say bye-bye to papa."


Since Izuna's still a baby and can't really talk properly, she can only make sounds and try to copy what other people around her is saying. Izuku's looking forward to the day when she can finally say her first word.


In order to avoid what happened with Itsuki and Yatsuki, Izuku has prepared a swear jar for everyone. The habit to curse is strong in this household and one week after Izuku started using the swear jar, the jar was almost full. More than half of it was from Katsuki while the rest is from the twins.

Although Katsuki still has a long way to go in order to stop cursing, the twins has improve a lot. Since they doesn't want to lose money they used to buy snacks.

Katsuki smiled and pat Izuna on the head fondly. "Be a good girl and wait for me to return okay? Once I'm done with kicking all those fucking villain-"

"What did I said about using bad words, Kacchan?" Izuku gives at his husband a disapproved look.

"Tch, fine." Katsuki grumbled. Taking out a coin, he pass it to Izuku, who will later drop it into the swear jar. "For god's sake, this is such a pain in the fucking ass-"


"Oh fuck!"


Izuna, who has no idea on what's going on, starts to laugh and clap her hands happily. Both Alpha and Omega saw her cute action and the conversion about swearing was forgotten. Compare to other people's pups (who cry and scream when they saw Katsuki's angry face), Izuna's probably the only one who finds Katsuki's reaction fun and entertaining to watch.

"I'll try to come back early." Katsuki said as he ruffles Izuna's hair. Then, he kisses Izuku on the cheek.

"Yes. Be careful out there." Izuku smiled.


(A few hours later...)

Both Itsuki and Yatsuki watches their dad fighting a small group of villains on the TV, shouting out all those bad words (like the champion of swearing he is). And standing behind them, is their mum. Thankfully, their little sister has fallen asleep or else she's going to end up hearing all those bad words.

"Dad's going to be in trouble when he comes back..." both of them thought.

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