(Arc 2.5) Chapter One - Your Fault

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After the fight I was out for two days, and suffered broken bones, head trauma and seizures. Doctors said I was lucky to be alive. Recover girl was able to heal most of the injuries sustained to my body, my arm being on that didn't completely heal.

The school was damaged and so was the 1-A dorms although not by much. Luckily, with the work of Cementoss and the local construction company, they said it should be fixed within the week or two. But no matter how hard I try to think about anything, my mind just keeps going back to one thing...

Two days ago I lost the love of my life. I haven't been sleeping much, and when I did, it was always the same nightmare. Her looking at me with her smile, her beautiful brown eyes and her hair flowing in the wind. As good as it sounds, it was neverending torture for me as I kept waking up crying and heartbroken.

She was dead because of me.

Right now, I was visiting Ryuki in his ER room, as doctors said he wouldn't live to see tonight. Once I got in there, Aizawa and Kamuri were there.

"Midoriya, I'm glad to see you up and about" Kamuri said with dried eyes. She had been crying.

"Thanks. Is he..." I began to ask.

"He's hanging in there. He wanted to talk to you before..." Mr. Aizawa began but stopped.

"M-Midoriya?" Ryuki asked in his near-death state.

"H-hey. Look, I'm so sorry-" I began.

"D-dont apologize, M-Midoriya. It was my choice. You were our only hope. I'm sorry there wasn't more I could do" he said.

"You did all you could, and I'm grateful. I'm here right now because of you, Ryuki. Many of us are. If only I was stronger..."

"Don't keep saying that... Let my death enlighten you. Avenge me by... saving you friends, and ending this... I know it's hard, I heard what happened to your girlfriend... I'm sorry about that. But others need you right now..." He stated, and smiled.

He's dying, and this is the first time I've seen him smile.

"Kamuri... I love you so much, please remember that..." He said, before he closed his eyes and there was a straight beep.

Doctors rushed us out of the room and Kamuri cried. Aizawa too, as it was one of his old students. It was later that I leaned he had officially passed away. A little later, I had some visitors.

"Hey, Midoriya. We wanted to see how you were feeling..." Mina asked as they came in.

It was Mina, Jirou, Iida, Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima and Momo. Everyone else was at home or helping clean up the school.

"I haven't been well, lately..." I told them. "She's gone... Because of me. I promised her I would protect her and I couldn't even do that!"

I started crying on the last part, and I could see everyone was hurt too, even Bakugo.

"Midoriya, you did all you could. She... she would be proud knowing you loved and cared about her" Todoroki said to me.

"But that isn't going to being her back" I said. I didn't know if I was sad or angry at myself.

"I'm so sorry for what I said. I was angry and not thinking straight. We all cared about her but you were hurting the most and yet I still hit you" Mina apologized also crying now.

"It's fine, I deserved it. I should've done something but I didn't" I cried.

"Look, Deku. I know I have always been a jerk to you and I've always called you names. But I saw you out there still standing even though you wear extremely beaten and had no fight left. You're not the weak loser I always called you. That took guts, and I appreciate that" Kacchan stated.

"Kacchan..." I said to him.

"When you're out of the hospital, we're all gonna help you train. Our friends are depending on you, which means they're depending on all of us to help you get stronger" Kirishima stated.

"While we're on the topic, what the heck was that black thing you summoned out there? We've never seen you do that before" Momo mentions.

"I... Don't know. It came out when I was extremely angry. It was dangerous though" I stated to them.

"Well we have time to train you so maybe we can practice it more" Todoroki adds.

"Thanks..." I said hanging my head low.

Just then, a man and woman busted through the door. It startled everyone, including me as I hadn't met them yet.

"You're Izuku Midoriya, right?" The woman demanded.

"Yeah... I am."

"So you're the piece of shit who was dating our daughter, huh? The one who got her kidnapped?" She stated. These were Ochako's parents...

Oh yeah... Right. Although many parents were proud and happy their kids were okay, We couldn't break the truth of Ochako's... disappearance. So they told her she was kidnapped. None of the kidnapped kids parents were happy at all.

"That's not fair, he loved and protected her!" Todoroki said to them.

"Oh yeah? And look what happened. Our daughter is missing because of him. It's all your fault our daughter is missing, Izuku. And if she doesn't come back... It'll be all because of you" she yelled and stormed out of the room.

The man, who I assumed was Ochako's dad, went to leave but stopped at the door.

"Listen, son. If and when Ochako is rescued, I don't think you should see her anymore."

With that, he left. That hurt me the most. I didn't need reminded that it was my fault. That she wasn't coming back.

"Forget about them. We heard you're out of this hospital tonight right? Tomorrow morning meet us by the school entrance and we can get training started. Sound good?" Kirishima asked.

"Yeah... I'll be there. I need to get them back."

"Thank you, Midoriya. I just hope Kaminari and everyone is okay..." Jirou said to me."

"I'll make sure they are. I promise, and I'll... keep it this time" I said hanging my head low.

"We know you will."

In total, when the battle ended, 37 people had minor injuries And 11 had major injuries. Everyone else had minor scrapes, 6 were captured... and 2 were dead.

And I will get my revenge.

(1071 WORDS)

Heya! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It was time for Ryuki's story to end. And even though he was short-lived, I loved creating him. Anyways, what will happen next?

Find out next chapter!


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