Chapter 1. Missing

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   Chapter 1. Missing

"Ty, I'm so looking forward to the Graduation Party tonight."
"Me too, be nice to introduce you to my class mates that you haven't met yet."
"What are you going to wear Ames."
"Well, I've treated myself to a new dress."
" I look forward to seeing you in it." "What time are you picking me up Ty."
"About 6.30 pm..."
"Okay see you later Ty."
Ty was all ready and making his way to Heartland to pick up Amy.
He pulled up by the side of Jack's truck and went into the house.
Lou was commenting on how handsome he looked and he was going to be blown away when he sees Amy.
Amy came out of her room and Jack's jaw hit the floor.
"Oh Amy you look absolutely beautiful honey, I sometimes forget how old you actually are."
"Thank you Grandpa. Just remember I'm 22 not 12, Okay Grampa. "
Ty saw her and he was suddenly mute, Amy looked out of this world and Ty knew she was going to turn a lot of heads tonight. Lou took a beautiful photo of them both.
They arrived at the Hotel where the Graduation Dance was being held and it was packed already at 7.30pm.
Ty noticed a lot of heads were turned as they walked in and he felt so proud that Amy was his Fiancee.
They met up with Tys class mates and got drinks and sat down except Amy who doesn't drink Alcohol and had water intsead.
The music started and the dance floor filled up. They waited for a short time then Amy and Ty went for a dance and another one. It was thirsty work this dancing.
Ty went and got two more drinks for him and Amy and when he came back he told her there was some food being served just round the corner.  Do you want anything Ty ,Amy said.
No thanks Ames, I'll  get something in a while.
Amy goes off to get some food and Ty is grabbed by a couple of the girls from his class and dragged onto the dance floor. While dancing his mates buy him a few more drinks and he's still dancing with the girls, even a couple of slow dances.
Poor Amy can't see Ty and can't believe she's been abandoned after all the effort she took to make herself look irresistible even buying a new dress.
She looks at the time , it's been over an hour, so decides to Text him and remind him that he isn't here on his own and his Fiancee would like his company and a dance.
Ty feels his phone vibrate and goes to pull it out of his pocket but one the girls takes his phone, see's it's a girls name and turns it off then tells him to put it away.
Ty doesn't even ask who the message was from.
When amy doesn't get a reply she falls back against the plush bench seat thinking that she should be curled up with Ty by her side and nods off.
Ty however is having a great time dancing and joking around just like he would do on his own at University.

Amy hadn't gone unnoticed by a couple of blokes and one made his way over to her , but when he got to her he noticed how even more beautiful she was up close and then walks back to his friend asking how Borden could leave her on her own for so long while hanging out with his class mates.
Amy woke up and looked at her watch, she was well and truly ticked off now, one and half hours had passed, she sent him another message then decided to phone him instead,  no answer and no way to leave a voice  mail. She picked up her Orange Juice and finished it off then went to get another one.
A bit later on Amy was feeling queasy and went off to the Ladys room, her head was banging and she felt like she'd been drinking but she knew that wasn't true.

Ty was still enjoying himself when His friend Matt turned up and was saying how Beautiful his Fiancee looked tonight and asked him where Amy was, Ty suddenly looked at his watch and remembered that he'd left her all alone and was disgusted with himself for forgetting her.
Even the girls didn't realise that he had brought her and they and Matt had a go at him.
He quickly ran back to where he had left her and saw she had a full glass of juice but no Amy.
Now he was worried where she was so decided to phone her but he saw that someone had turned his phone off.
Ty turned it back on and then messages started pinging.
He started to read them and each message showed him that Amy was well and truly pissed off with him.
The last message was at 11pm and she said she felt queasy and not well.
Then another message said
," F*** You. "
That one was at 11.30pm but Ty was surprised as Amy didn't use language like that.  Ty tried to phone her but no one picked up.
He then spent ages walking around trying to find her, he even went outside. Nothing.
Now Ty was getting angry and reckoned Amy was doing this on purpose to get back at him.
Ty was angry but also worried.
Then he got a message , Amy's phone.
It was a photo and a message. 
"This is what happens when you abandon your Fiancee and boy is she a wild cat."
Ty just stared at the photo someone had taken using Amy's phone, she was naked on the bed with someone lying on top of her kissing her and obviously having sex.
He messaged back saying if she was doing this to punish him then they were finished and the Engagement was off. Find your own way home.
He rushed out of the Hotel and drove home even though he was way over the alcohol level for driving.
Ty was back at the Trailer his mind was all over the place, he kept thinking about the photo.  Then his phone rang, he looked and saw it was Lou.
"Hello he said in an angry way,"
  "Ty!!!, Thank god I've got hold of you,  I take it Amy will be staying with you tonight. "
"No she wont Lou."
"Well where the hell is she, she's  your responsibility Ty."
"I dont know Lou and I dont bloody care, the engagement is off."
Then he ended the call.
Lou was speechless, so tried to reach Amy's phone , it rang for ages then someone answered, "Hello, who's this"  Lou explained that it was her Sisters phone and they were trying to find her. "Well my names June and I heard the phone ringing but it was in a Waste Bin"
Where asked Lou. " On the 4th floor of the Hotel", said June.
Lou asked if it was the Hotel where they just held a Graduation dance and June said it was.
"Will you please do me a big favour asked Lou. Take my sisters phone to reception and tell them exactly where you found it, ask them to phone the Police and an Ambulance as I think my Sister may be in big trouble."
"Yes I will do it right now said June" .
"Thank you and tell them I'm on my way."
Lou woke Jack up and explained things then told him they need to go.
Just then Lou recieved a message from Ty.
He said he recieved this photo and text and if Amy thought it was a good Idea to get back at him for ignoring her for over 2 hours she can think again,  were finished Lou.
Lou looked at the photo and knew immediately that her little sister was in big trouble.
She messaged Ty back saying that to her it looked like Amy had been drugged and was in fact being Raped by 2 or more men, you Idiot, you were supposed to be looking after her not ignoring her, she made such an effort to look nice for you and you treat her like this, you Dont deserve her..
Ty got the message but in his enebriated state just turned his phone off. He packed everything up and drove back to Calgary to stop with one of his mates for now.

The Police arrived along with the Paramedics and the old lady took them up to the 4th floor and showed them where she found the phone.
The police asked the Night Manager which rooms were Empty and he pointed to 3 rooms. Okay,  please open this one first,  they went in and all was clear.
Next one the Officer said and they went in, when the lights came on
the police couldn't believe what they were seeing.  There was some Blood on the bed, and walls . It had been spread everywhere by hand and on the wall was a message.
**Ty, this is what happens when you ignore your Fiancee for over 2 hrs.**
The Paramedics then noticed a female body on the floor with blood everywhere halfway between the Bed and the Ensuite .
The female Paramedic pulled a clean sheet from the draw and covered Amy  for her modesty . We have a pulse . They set up an IV drip and checked her over.
The police Officer asked how she was.
The Paramedics explained that she had been raped and beaten up,  but they needed to get her to surgery ASAP.
Okay Go save her. They rushed her downstairs but there were cameras and News channels down there so she covered her up with the blanket, of course it looked like she was dead which didn't help as Lou and Jack had just turned up.  Lou ran straight into the Ambulance and screamed Amy's name, the Paramedic immediately informed Lou that she was alive and only covered over to protect her from the Camera's etc. Lou could see the blood soaking through around her head area.
She took a photo to send to Ty trying shock him back to some sort of normal. Had he been with her she would not be like this. .
Jack joined her and he broke down when he saw Amy. Lou explained that Amy was alive and they were off to hospital now. They left the car at the hotel.
The women Paramedic explained that Amy was the 4th woman they had found like this. The first two died due to a drug overdose so whoever was doing this had obviously got the dose right, for once.
Now the doors are closed can we pull the sheet down. Lou asked.
The Paramedic asked Lou if she was sure she wanted to do that..
Lou looked at her and said"Is my sister that bad"
Yes love she answered,  I'm afraid with all the bruising and blood she wont look like you know her until it goes down, her eyes are swollen shut as well.
I need to suck it up, I need to take a picture and Shock her Fiancee back to the real world.
The Paramedic folded the sheet down and when Lou saw her once beautiful face so disfigured she turned and sobbed into Jack's shoulder.
Eventually she managed to pull herself together and took a close up photo .

They arrived at the Hospital and Tim was waiting for them.
Dad,, Lou ran up to him and told him what Amy looks like to forwarn him.
But it didn't work and he broke down.  
"I'm going to kill that idiot of a Fiancee of hers when I find him.."
Lou looked at her Dad, " I thought you'd been to see him at the Trailer "
"Ha,, he wasn't there,  infact he's gone, moved out."
"WHAT, !!!!! "
Lou couldn't believe he'd do that.
The doctor came over to them to say they were taking her into the OR now.
How old is she the doctor asked, Lou said she was 23.
"I will find you later."  and off the doctor went.

Lou got her phone out and sent Ty a Text,
" I'm with Amy now, photo attached  and sent the one where she's covered in a white sheet with blood everywhere.   
P.S. Amy is Alive, Just.

Ty was at Matt's and his Girlfriends house when he got the message.
He looked at the Photo and where the blood was coming from, then dropped to the floor still in a sitting position.

Then she sent another text.
"This is Amy, but you can't  really recognize her.  Photo attached.  Oh, Amy's going into OR Now."

Ty's phone pinged and when he saw the Photo of Amy's Beautiful face all bruised and bloodied he started Sobbing. Then read the part about going into the OR.
Lou's shock tactic worked.

Matt and his girlfriend came out to check on Ty and he handed them his phone starting with the first photo of Amy on the bed and told em to work down to the last one.

Matt's Girlfriend looked and said
" Oh not again"

To be continued

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