Chapter 3. Stronger Together

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         Chapter 3. Stronger Together

Ty decided to have a word with the doctor about Amy's memory as she was smart and knew something was being withheld from her. He agreed that she would wonder why she ached and was very sore in places unusual.
They decided to get a counsellor in to help.
The next day Ty arrived at the Hospital and went straight to the Doctors office, he knocked the door and was called in. He noticed that there was a young woman already in there and the Doctor introduced them then asked Ty to take a seat.
They, the Doctor and Ty , explained everything that had happened to Amy and Ty explained what happened up to the Graduation dance. The Doctor told the counselor that Amy's last memory was two months ago when her and Ty broke up.
Ty went to see Amy but heard Tim's voice and he sounded angry which is nothing new. Ty pushed the door a little so he could hear what he was saying to Amy.
Tim was telling her that he would not allow her to Marry Ty as he was an idiot and it was his fault that she was beaten up and raped. Of course amy did not know for certain that she had been raped and she now understood why she was sore.
Tim went on how she was left alone for 2 hours , but the police said that it was because Ty had been drugged also, but he didn't believe that.
Then told her that he'd cancelled the Wedding because there was no chance in hell she was going to look any better than the way she looked at the moment . Amy was getting more and more upset, she hadn't seen herself as the mirror had been removed from the washroom, and she'd been raped!!!!!! Amy looked at her Dad and pointed to the door telling him to leave, Tim laughed and said he wasn't leaving until she understood that she wasn't marrying Ty. Amy was really getting upset and pointed with tears Streaming down her face to the Door , Tim just ignored her.
Ty had heard enough and went looking for Lou or jack in the waiting room. He found Lou and asked why Tim had been allowed in Amy's room alone.
Lou said that Amy was asleep so she came into the waiting room for a break, she had no idea Tim was even here. Ty told Lou what Tim was saying and how he let the Cat out of the bag about the rape before the Counselor was able to speak to her.
Lou was furious with her Father and made her way back to Amy's room.
Meanwhile the Doctor had been notified about shouting coming from Amy's room and was on his way to check on her.
Amy had enough of her so called father and put her Headphones on and turned up the volume.
Just as Doctor Hammond walked in to the room he saw Tim rush over to Amy and RIP her Headphones off her head catching the side of her Jaw. Amy immediately screamed and grabbed the side of her face.
Doctor Hammond went ballistic and ordered Tim to get out, of course Tim refused as usual. The Doctor took his radio out of his pocket and called the Security guards .
Lou and Ty came in and while Lou was berating Tim, Ty went straight to Amy who again put her arms out and Ty hugged her close,he could feel her shaking and mentioned it to the Doctor. He called the the nurses station asking for a tranquilizer for Miss Fleming.
Jack walked in and Tim started insulting him then two Security guards came in the room and as Tim started to be uncooperative they had him on the floor and Handcuffed. They marched him out.
Just after they left the nurse came in, Amy looked at Ty with tears in her eyes and said to him "I w- was r,r,raped!!" I know Amy, Dr Hammond has someone coming in tomorrow morning to speak with you, your Dad should not have said anything .
Dr Hammond injected the drug to calm Amy down into the IV drip and a few minutes later Amy was sleeping.

Lou was spitting feathers she was so angry at her father for doing what he did. Jack asked Ty to explain what happened and what Tim was saying.
So Ty explained to jack that Tim was trying to pressure Amy into not Marrying him and he told her that if she hadn't been with me she wouldn't have been drugged and Raped then beaten up. He also told her that he'd cancelled the Wedding because she wasn't going to look any better than she did right now and may scare the kids.
HE SAID WHAT, Jack was furious, but he was also beginning to think that Tim was picking on Amy and only three people knew the truth about Amy, one of those being her mother who passed away, leaving just Jack and Tim.
What worried Jack even more was how far was Tim prepared to go.
Amy's real father was killed in a car accident and he lost Marion and came very close, too close in fact to losing Amy. Jack phoned Jim at the station and asked if Marion's old Truck was still about in the Yard, Jim told him that it was still there.
Jack asked if Forensics could check the steering and the Brakes.
"You don't think he may have been involved in that crash as well ,do you Jack??????" Said Jim .
"Well Stumpys sons accident was somewhat suspicious if you remember Jim. And after the way Tim just layed in to Amy I'm a little worried ."

The next morning Ty stayed away from the Hospital at least till Lunch time.
The counselor came into Amy's room along with a nurse..

To be continued

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