Chapter 25

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         Chapter 25

Planning The Equine Clinic

Amy and Ty are up but Lynzy is still fast asleep so leave her alone. Amy wheels into the kitchen and sees her Grandfather so for now decides to be civil and wishes him a good morning as she positions herself at the table.
Jack returns the good morning finishes his coffee and informs Amy he's going to check on the Herd then walks out.
Amy feels hurt that he couldn't say more than just a good morning as she was waiting to see if he would interact with her at least.
Ty walks out of the bathroom and gets Amy her juice from the fridge then makes coffee for them both. He noticed how quiet she was considering her none stop chatter when they woke up. As he turns to her he sees tears running down her face so comes and sits as close as he can to her pulling her up out the chair and into his lap,
"Hey love whats wrong, you were in a really good mood this morning ".
Amy tells him that she was civil to Grampa and wishes him a good morning but all he did was say morning then say he was off to the Herd and walked out. 
" He didn't ask how I was or anything." she says between sobs.
Ty knows Amy is very emotional at the moment and trys to just be there for her. He thinks about trying to distract her so mentions about her trying to draw some plans for the new Clinic, he knows she loves doing that sort of thing and Amy thinks logically not for decorations but for practicality.  Amy smiles when he asked her to do that, then they would sit together and go through the plans as a Vet and a Horse Whisperer.
"Ames, how are we doing with sponsors for the Clinic "
" I don't know actually,  that's something else I can look into today or tomorrow ".
" Okay love, Will you be okay with Lynzy for a few hours, I need to go to the clinic for a while, I need to show my face."
" Lou's coming round in while so I'll be fine.".
"Okay,  I'll see you in about 3 or 4 hours" gives her a big hug and a very passionate kiss.
"Err, you better calm down there Doctor Borden or I may drag you back to bed. " giggleing to herself.
Amy goes off to check on Lynzy then get's her A3 Paper Pad and pencils for drawing.

About an hour later Lou comes driving down the road and stops outside the  house fence, she was just about to get out and two large Van's pull up looking for Mrs Bordon. So Lou tells Amy as she walks in the kitchen.
"Oh, thats great, it's the Security system.".
"So Grampa finally agreed then ", Lou says.
" Nope, all he could muster this morning was a good morning,  then left."
"Really!!!!! ".
"Yep, and I was in a really good mood when I woke up, and his attitude changed that to a depressed feeling ".
"Oh Amy I'm sorry. ".
"You know Lou ,He says he wants me n Ty to take over Heartland and now I'm having second Thoughts about all the Money I've spent getting Heartland back to a decent looking Ranch. He wants to live as if Heartland is still back in the 60s and that's not going to work. I'm going to talk to Ty about building Our own Ranch House on our Land and possibly put the Clinic there instead of  between the Barn and Quonset hut.".
" Amy, I'm going to have a word with Lisa and find out what's going on,  I honestly think Grampa should retire and let you and Ty take Heartland into the next generation and future" .
" I'm just waiting for him to blow up when he sees the Security system being installed, and if he does then he can pay me n Ty back for all the money we've paid out and I'll move everything to our Land " .
"And who will inherit Heartland,  he says he wants to pass it on."
"When Lou, when it's all fell down rotting on the floor , The Barn needs replacing not extended and I had a great Idea for a small shop to sell Your Heartland brands along with our fresh Eggs and Mrs Bells fruit and home made Honey etc".
"Amy I love that Idea, you've become quite a businesswoman haven't you ".
"Well I've learnt from the best". Amy says smiling at her Sister.
"You know between us Amy we could actually get Heartland to make a profit separately from our own businesses".
"What you working on".
"Ty asked me to start planning the Clinic".

Jack's on his way back when he sees workman working on the main gate and as he approaches the Ranch he sees more fixing cameras to other areas.  He walks in and sees Amy feeding Lynzy and Lou making coffee.
"Sooo, what's going on with the workman all over the place Amy."
" You know what there doing grampa".
"And when were you going to ask me about it.".
Amy didn't really want to get into an argument but knew it was going to.
"I didn't say anything about it because  had I done that you would have been negative and said No".
"Oh you think so, I told you we've never needed a Security system and I don't want one.".
"Oh is that right, and had we had Security I wouldn't have been Kidnapped would I. Or if someone had locked the bloody door I wouldn't have been taken. So much for you saying you want to keep me Safe. You know what Grampa, you pay me back for all the materials I've paid for and You can keep Heartland till it falls down around you because I've had enough,  and you can pass it on to who the hell you like. ". Amy had tears falling down her face and turned her chair and went to there bedroom locking the door.
Lou looked at her grandfather shaking her head, " You Grampa are a stupid old fool. ". As she was walking out she saw the work men taking the cameras  down and packing up, obviously realizing Amy had cancelled the Job, or Jack had kicked them off the Ranch.

To be continued

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