Chapter 12. Wedding Plans

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Chapter 12. Wedding Plans

There were 3 Months till the Wedding and Ty and Amy were closer than ever. Amy wasn't up to working with other horses just yet, she was still going to the Gym and whatever she was told to do at home she did double.
Amy wanted to make sure she was toned and her Muscles had Muscles.
Ty received a Phone call from Jim the Police Chief to say that Tim had been Jailed for 8 years and the intruder who hurt Ty and almost killed Amy got 15 years, Ty and Amy didn't need to give evidence as both admitted their quilt.

Everything was almost ready for the Wedding.
The Service was going to be in the little Church where Lou and Peter got married  including Jack and Lyndy. The reception was a large Marquee with lights and food was going to be a typical Ranch Beef in a Bun and they had three large BBQ's.  No posh sit down meal for Amy and Ty, that's not who they are. Ty also asked if they can have a large Fire Pit. Amy smiled and said Of Course.
Six weeks to the Wedding and Amy and Ty had been making good use of the Large Willow tree over the  last few months but that morning when Lou came in she could hear someone in the bathroom being sick. Lou knocked on the door and asked Amy if she was okay.
Amy said to come in, so Lou walked in and helped hold up amys hair for her.
Amy cleaned herself up and went back to the bedroom. 
Lou asked Amy how late her period was and Amy said that she'd missed two but thought it may be the medications as she was still taking the Pill and hadn't missed any.
I'll make you an appointment for tomorrow and you write down a list of all the medications you've been on because some can cause your Birth control to be less effective.
WHAT , why wasn't I told by someone.
They should of told me Lou?.
Yes they should of Amy.
"Well don't say anything to Ty yet, I'll tell him after we've seen Dr Viriani please Lou."
"Yeah sure."

Ty gets up in the morning and gets ready for work, Amy gets up too and wraps her arms around him kissing his neck, "Ames if you start that I'm  never going to get to work".
"Sorry my love, I can't get enough of you." Amy whispered.
Ty went off to work after kissing Amy and said he'd see her tonight.
Amy and Lou set off for the Clinic, on the way Lou suggested to Amy that she should try her wedding dress on again as she had obviously put on a little weight,  (which was a good thing as Amy had lost weight) and we may need to adjust it, but we can wait till the last week for that.
They arrived at the Clinic and waited to be called in.
Amy Fleming, called the nurse and Amy dragged Lou in with her.
Dr Variani came in and Amy explained things to her, First of all she took a blood test then asked Amy to go and pee in a Test bottle ,which she did.
When Dr Varani tested the urine sample it showed Positive.
Dr Viriani then checked the list of medications and confirmed that at least two of them would make her Birth Control ineffective,  which she should of been told about.
The blood test came back positive as well.
Let's do an Ultrasound scan and have a look.
Amy explains that she has only just started getting morning sickness but Dr Viriani explained that you can get it at 2 weeks or even 10 weeks.
Amy lay down and Dr Viriani put on the gel then started using the wand.
Amy and Lou suddenly heard a Heartbeat,  tears were pouring down Amy's face as her emotions took over.
The Doctor asked Amy if she was okay. Amy nodded and said it was just her emotions. 
Well Amy your about 10 - 11 weeks pregnant , Congratulations. Lou gave her a hug and said she couldn't believe she was going to be an Aunt.

When they got home they started on the final stage of the wedding planning. Lou suddenly had a thought,  Amy, I think it would be a good idea to try on your dress as your you know!!.
Oh, yeah good thinking Lou, at least it has to be tied at the back.
Ty came home from work and Lou told him Amy's in the bedroom,  she needs to speak with you.
Oh okay Lou thanks. Ty went in and saw Amy laying down on the bed asleep,  he sat down and held her hand caressing it with his Thumb..
Gradually she woke up and apologised  for nodding off. Nothing to apologise for my love. Lou said you wanted to talk.
"Er yeahhhhh, I found out today that nobody warned me about the medications I was using and you remember when we had that lovely afternoon under the Willow."
"Yeah ,that was a beautiful day."
"Yeah well because of my medication we ended up creating a little Life."
"I'm sorry Ty, I didn't know."
"Oh Amy ,you have nothing to be sorry about, it's not your fault, we talked about starting a family more or less straight away didn't we, so what if it's a few weeks earlier than we expected."
"So your not angry, Ty."
"How could I be angry Amy, I'mnot your Dad or Jack, besides, it takes two to make a baby,"
Ty picked Amy up and hugged her and kissed her, then said "we'd better let them know at dinner."
"Well Lou knows because she came to the Doctors with me so it's just Grampa, Lisa ,and the Girls."

At dinner they were all sat down when Amy asked if she could say something before they eat.
Jack nodded of course you can.
"Well Lou and I found out today that the Doctors or the Pharmacy didn't tell me that the Medications I've been on cancelled out my Birth Control and as a result  I'm 10 to 11 weeks pregnant.  We wanted to start a family straight away after we were married but it's a bit earlier than we thought.
Jack got up and congratulated them both, so did Lisa, Lou Georgie and Katie.  Then they continued with dinner and Jack just said "it's just one of those things you had no control over. But your happy, right",
"Yes Grandpa, very happy."

To be continued

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