moral of the story: chan

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Inspired by the song moral of the story by Ashe.


Dear Chan,

I thought we could really do this, but really I was foolish. It was obvious but I was blindsided, addicted. Remember when we painted the apartment just like my grandparents, so romantic... yet we fought the whole time.

"This yellow will look really nice won't it Chan?" You looked at him.

"Ehh.. I was thinking of more of a blue but I guess the yellow would look good too." He replied never making eye contact.

You shrugged him off and began painting.

Time passed and neither of you spoke a word for an hour, until you asked a question.

"Chan, do you still love me?" He looked at you eyes widening.

"Y/n... of course I do. What makes you think I wouldn't?" He finally looked at you you could see his eyes being full of confusion.

"We just don't do much together anymore. I know you're busy, but I would like some attention and affection from you." After those words you could see his neck turning red.

"Are you really saying I don't give you attention!?" You were shocked as the raising of his voice.

"Chan.. It's not the same. We're not the same."

"What's not the same Y/n? Is it because I'm not all over you all the time?"

You stayed silent...

"Tell me Y/n!"

"I don't know what to tell you Chan..."

"Then you obviously don't know what you're talking about. I'm going to leave for a few hours to get my mind of some things. Hopefully you can have your mind straight when I come back."

That night I realized we weren't in love anymore Chan.. We never were. We were in pain.

You came back that morning. Asking me If I was finally in the right state of mind. I knew how I felt I knew that we made a mistake but that happens. We never really knew eachother the way we needed. God I really tried to know you. We stayed together a month after that now we're here going our separate ways. I waned to love you but I couldn't. We were the wrong people for eachother but Chan that's the...

moral of the story

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