no longer: jung jaehyun

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Jaehyun and you have been distant lately. You felt as if something was missing. You didn't want to say it was Jaehyun but it obviously was. You guys just didn't have that spark anymore. You never thought it would come to this. You loved Jaehyun but that was the problem loved. You knew Jaehyun still loved you but you couldn't say  the same.

It pained you that day telling him. The day you split it was painful. You never imagined tell Jaehyun you didn't love him anymore.

"Jaehyun, I'm sorry." At this point both of you were crying.

"Y/n... let me kiss you one last time." You let him sobbing as you did.

The spark that everyone talks about wasn't there and that made you feel worse.

You hugged him one last time before you left. As soon as you let go and turned your back away from the man you once you loved. You could feel him looking at you. You could hear his sobs. You went out the door... gone forever.

"she no longer needs me"

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