cry for me; lucas

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"bad boy bad boy, you really make me sad girl."

As soon as you hit the bed, you begin to sob. Lucas cheated on me.. what the actual fuck. After two years he goes and cheats on me.. that little bitch. You sat there face emotionless now as there was no emotion you had left for him. You were sad of course, but all you focused on was vengeance.

You were going to get him and this time he will be the one crying.


The WayV dorm was especially quiet on this Sunday morning. Lucas had just woken up walking out of his room and all eyes were on him.

"What's up guys?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you Lucas!?" Kun says giving him the death glare.

"Woah.. What the hell bro. What do you mean?"

"I guess you haven't checked the group chat." Ten says rolling his eyes.

Lucas looks at them then looks at his phone. There were photos.. photos of him and the girl he was with last night. "fucK.." Lucas mumbles. He was looking through texts in response to the photos.

You really did Y/n like that!?

What a fucking douchebag..

I trusted you with them,, you little bitch

Lucas you damn bitch.

I thought you loved her..

Lucas stares at his phone intently as the realization struck him. What did he just do?

All the members stared at him and then gave him the cold shoulder. Practice was quiet today. All 23 members quiet. No one talked to Lucas all day until Jisung spoke.

"You know Lucas, I really liked Y/n but now she'll probably never see us again because of you." Jisung's eyes teared up.

"Jisung.. I'm sorr-"

"No shut up Lucas. He's right we never will get to see her. I've tried to contact her all day but she won't answer.. probably because you're a cheating worthless bitch." Mark spat.

Mark's words hit Lucas like a truck. One of his best friends probably will never want to speak to him ever again. All of his friends probably won't speak to him or things will never be the same.

Fine we'll talk... The cafe at 8 sharp. Lucas's phone screen lit up. Lucas finally had a little hope left in his body.

Practice dragged on.. no one uttered a word to Lucas. Finally, it was 7:53 when practice was over. Lucas rushed out of the SM building and over to the cafe.


"Y/n.. I'm so sorry. I love you."

Y/n stared down at him listening to him utter words he probably didn't even mean.

"Y/n speak to me.. speak to me please."

"We're over Lucas."

"Come again Y/n?" Lucas couldn't believe his ears

"We're over Lucas." Y/n said sternly.

Lucas stared at Y/n in disbelief.

"Y/n I love you.. I love you so much!"

"Then why did you cheat on me?"

"Y/n I-"

"Exactly. We're done."

"Y/n Please, Please don't do this to me please."

"Don't do this to you!? You fucked this up yourself. I've said it and I'll say it one more time. We're done Lucas."

Y/n walked out of the cafe, never to be seen by Lucas again. Lucas felt the tears fall down his face when walking home to dorm that night with people who didn't even want him. Lucas had finally realized, he lost everything he loved. The tears started to come down harder.

I want you to cry, cry for me

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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