fight or flight; jaemin

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fight or flight.. i'd rather lie then tell you, i'm in love with you.

You and Jaemin were what I guess you could say "lovers." You had never said the three words and you didn't think you ever would especially after what you've been hearing.

"Y/n, I saw Jaemin with someone else yesterday." Haechan says looking at you with worry.

You were in shock. He's joking right? Jaemin would never, right? Then you think about it.. Did Jaemin even love you anymore? He didn't look at you.. the way he used to. You were about to say something until Jaemin waltzes through the door.

"I'm back from the store!" Jaemin says while entering.

"You took forever... a whole almost two hours!" Jisung says looking at Jaemin.

"What took you so long?" You ask suspiciously.

"Long lines..." He said while coming over to hug you.

You are embraced by his arms. Something feels off though...

"Why do you smell like perfume?"

"What Y/n-"

"You smell like perfume."

"I tried some of yours.."

"That's not mine Jaemin.."

Haechan looks at Jaemin and decides to chirp in.

"Are you sure it was just long lines, Jaemin?"

Then it hit you..

"You're cheating on me, aren't you!?" You look at Jaemin hurt and anger in your eyes.

"Y/n I-"

You go to go grab your coat but before you do. You ask Jaemin a question.

"There's someone new isn't there? Admit it Jaemin!" Tears threatening to pour out your eyes.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry. Give me another chance please.. I'll cut it off I promise."

It's your choice now, fight or flight.

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