idfc: lim jaebeom

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tell me that you love me, even if it's fake

You knew Jaebeom didn't love you anymore. Every night he would go out and get drunk. You had no clue where he'd been. He would come home every morning slurring words at you and then passing out. Then the cycle continued for months...

You couldn't even call it a relationship at this point. You were always told you guys should just break up. You just couldn't you loved him too much. You knew you were hurt you just wanted him to pretend he loved you. You wanted the affection even though it wasn't real.

He came home again early morning this time actually in a sober state. He came over to you not saying anything. You looked back at him and hugged him. He was hesitant and was about to say something yet you cut him off.

"Just hug me and tell me you love me."

He told you I love you and you started crying. You knew every time he said it it was fake. You were a fool for him. Yet you really didn't fucking care.

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