if you want love: johnny suh

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You thought you had love. You thought Johnny and you had the "perfect" relationship. Johnny however thought he never really loved you. He never really knew how to tell you.

It was a late night and you were waiting for Johnny with dinner ready. He came through the door and you greeted him with a kiss on the cheek. You noticed how Johnny tensed and gave you a small smile afterwords. You gave him a weird look but shrugged it off.

"Johnny, I made dinner." You smiled at him.

"Oh um thanks.. let's eat."

You both sat down in complete and utter silence.

"I've been needing to tell you something..."

"Y/n I can't do this anymore."

You looked at him confused by his words.

"Y/n we aren't right for each other. I can't sit here and act like I love you."

You looked at him shocked and were tearing up.

"Johnny I'm sorry but I-."

"Y/n stop, I should be sorry. I just can't deal with it anymore. I will pack my bags and you won't have to see me anymore alright. I'm sorry I can't give you the love you deserve.'

"But Johnny-."

"No Y/n I need to do this for better. I'll be gone in a few."

You watched him that night. You watched him as he packed his bags leaving you. You never told him that night. The news you thought would lighten up his day. Yet you thought if you did that would be the only reason he would've stayed with you. You just couldn't let that happen having him be here with knowing he didn't really love you. So you sat there alone and that's how it would be for a couple more months.

-Time skip-

It had been a couple of years and I guess you could say you were happy. Happy with the new light in your life. You were alone through the pregnancy living in South Korea with none of your family being there. It was hard but it was so worth it. You had a little girl, Ella Snow.

You still kept up with Johnny and his group NCT. You and your daughter were watching and award show of course Johnny was there. She loved music just like her dad.

"Mommy, look it's daddy!"

You looked up and sure enough Johnny was on the screen. You started tearing up.

"Mommy, how come I've never met daddy?"

You looked at her and picked her up.

"Daddy is just very busy..."

"I want to see him some day."

"I do too baby, I do too..."

You and Ella were going out in Seoul today to just explore I guess you could say. You put Ella in her stroller and started pushing her around.

"Mommy, can we go to the park? Pleaseeee" She pouted.

"Alright, I guess."

"YAY!" You laughed at how excited she was.

You took Ella out of the stroller and held her hand while taking her to the swings.

"Mommy, push me!"

You smiled and started pushing her on the swing.

"Wait stop."

You glanced at her suspiciously.

"MOMMY! IT'S DADDY" You looked at her with wide eyes.

"Ella please calm down."

You were about to grab her but she started running towards someone.

You yelled her name after her.

"DADDY!" Ella screamed as she went up to the man.

He looked down at her confused and concerned.

"Sweetie, I think you got me confused with someone else. Where's your mom?"

"No I did not you're the guy mommy has showed me."

"ELLA" You were still running and finally found her.

Ella turned around and looked at you.

"Mommy you're going to be so happy! I found daddy!" You looked at her and then finally looked up and saw who the man was.

"Y/n?" Your eyes widened and tried to grab Ella to walk away.

Yet he grabbed your arm.

"Y/n please explain to me right now."

"Johnny I- don't know what to tell you."

"Y/n is this my child?"


Johnny looked at you tears coming out of his eyes.

"Johnny I'm sorry that night I tried to tell you." You said choking on sobs.

"shh" Johnny embraced you in a hug.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't of left you."

"Johnny it's okay. You didn't love me-"

"No y/n I did. I loved you so much and I still do. I was afraid. Afraid of what was going to happen with career and all. But my cowardliness made me leave you and my child behind. There is nothing I can do to make up with the faults I've made. Yet I can try and be there for the rest of this beautiful little girl's life. I want to be there for it and for you. You have every right to decline me."

"Johnny I want you here I really do. It might be hard but I really want you here."

Johnny looked at you and smiled lifting up your chin. He pressed a soft yet passionate kiss to your lips.

"Does this mean you'll be here daddy?"

"I could only hope..."

You whispered to him.

"...Ella snow."

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