crystal snow: kim namjoon

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it's always you, crystal snow

You were a songwriter for the infamous group BTS. You had been writing songs for them since they debuted. You had a very close bond with the members especially Namjoon. You and Namjoon were around each other a lot since you wrote a lot of songs together. 

There new japanese album was coming up and you were helping Namjoon write one of the songs. The song was titled Crystal Snow you had come up with it last night. The lyrics were really personal to you. You wrote them while thinking about Namjoon. You knew you liked Namjoon more than a friend. You feared you could never make it work with him being an idol and all.

"Wow Y/n! You amaze me yet again!" Namjoon said after reading the lyrics.

You blushed and said thank you.

"How'd you think of such a thing?" Namjoon looked at you.

You didn't want to flat out say it was about him.

"Umm I was inspired by Home Alone."

Namjoon looked at you and laughed. Shit.. I'm really a dumbass.

"Really? Home Alone Y/n? It's not something or should I say someone else is it?" He stepped closer to you.

Your eyes widen and you stay silent.

"Oh! Is it about one of us Y/n?" Namjoon asked stepping even closer.

The space between you was small.

"It's about you." You could not believe you just told him that. You were about to run but Namjoon held you in place.

"Don't run Y/n. I'm glad it's about me."

Namjoon closed the gap between you two and kissed you. You kissed him back fearing this might never happen again. Namjoon pulled away and smiled at you.

"Namjoon, How do we make this work?" Namjoon pulled you into a hug.

"We will eventually make it work. If it doesn't happen now I'll wait for you forever. Now let me see you smile, crystal snow."

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