first love: min yoongi

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those days with you, those moments are now memories.

3 years... you and Yoongi were together. You started to realize the distance between you and Yoongi growing but why? It was another morning where you'd wake up without Yoongi beside you. He was of course at the studio working on songs as per usual. You cooked up some breakfast and settled down for a movie day, knowing Yoongi would not be home till later. Yet "later" was much later than usual.

Yoongi would normally be home around 10 when he didn't come through the door you started to worry. You stayed up waiting for him. Every hour calling to make sure he was okay but no answer. You were about to call him again when you saw it was 1 am but Yoongi came through the door walking right past you.

"Yoongi?" You called his name and he sighed.

"What Y/n" he responded curtly taking you aback.

You started to get angry after waiting for him and now he was trying to ignore you.

"What's wrong with you?"

He doesn't reply and starts heading to the bedroom.

You call out his name.

"Leave me alone Y/n!" He starts to raise his voice you weren't having any of it.

"No I won't leave you alone. I know you're busy but could you at least answer my calls. I stayed up waiting for you... I was worried Yoongi. Now instead of ignoring me and being a dick, can you just tell me what's wrong!?"

He finally turned and looked at you before speaking.

"US! This relationship isn't working anymore!"

You already knew you and Yoongi had been drifting but this was the icing on the cake.

"You don't love me Yoongi do you?" You looked at him teary eyed.

He was silent but then spoke.

"I don't know Y/n..."

You started crying.

"Yoongi, I can't do this anymore. I love you but I can't stay here knowing you can't say the same."

You walked past him getting a suitcase and putting some things in it.

"I'll have someone get the rest of my things."

He looked at you and you knew he was about to cry but you left him there. You left your first love behind.

A month later you were still broken over Yoongi but you still listened to his songs. You followed him on his journey. You saw he came out with a new song... titled first love. You realized you were never Yoongi's first love... music was.

Yet what you didn't know was yes Yoongi's first love was always music...

but you were his muse.

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