desire: park seonghwa

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Y/n L/n the girl he wanted. Seonghwa wanted to be the only one for you. He knew he was being selfish but he couldn't help himself. He really never knew how to tell you. He feared how could you ever want him as strong as he wants you.

Seonghwa was finally able to come over for your used to be weekly movie marathons. He was starting to get more busy with his music career. You understood of course but you missed him. It was very out of the ordinary how you felt the past 2 weeks without seeing him. You guys would go without seeing each other for awhile but lately you've been feeling different. I guess you could say you longed and wanted Seonghwa there with you.

Three knocks on the door and you knew it was Seonghwa. You opened the door and was immediately embraced by Seonghwa.

"I missed you dummy." Seonghwa smiled at you as he said it.

"Me too."

"So I was thinking a horror movie maybe?" You looked at him.

"That works for me." You smiled at him and then eyed the bad he was holding suspiciously.

"Oh I got you cheetohs."

"SEONGHWA YOU'RE THE BEST!" He started laughing at your outburst.

You guys headed over to the couch to start your movie. Seonghwa was looking and admiring you as you tried to find the remote. He couldn't help himself and grabbed you by the waist pulling you on his lap.

You immediately blushed.

"Uhh... Seonghwa?"

Your faces were centimeters away when Seonghwa closed the gap. You felt his lips against yours. You never knew how much you could crave someone till that moment. Seonghwa held your neck deepening the kiss. You were in pure bliss. You guys had to pull away because of lack of oxygen.

As if both on cue both of you spoke, "I love you."

In that moment you could not explain how happy you were. Seonghwa was smiling at you. You both didn't speak fo awhile and just enjoyed each others presence. Until Seonghwa spoke...

"I want you." He then kissed you again.

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