if we tried; lee taemin

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"I think we could do it if we tried.. You and I shouldn't feel like a crime."

Dating = Scandal.

That's how it was in the K-pop community anyways. You were apart of it being in Red Velvet a group under SM Entertainment. You were always told you shouldn't date and that you should never catch feelings. They told you you'd lose money and even your job if that happened. You thought it was bullshit.

Lee Taemin, the guy you fell for, hard. You guys had known each other since you became a trainee in 2011. He was already in his group, SHINEE. You guys met when he was your dance instructor for a month. You guys became really good friends after that. You wanted more however... you were still scared of the consequences...

"Ugh.." you sighed. You had been sitting in your studio for over two hours trying to come up with lyrics for a song for your new solo album. You were getting really frustrated and were about to give up until you heard your phone going off.


Taemin: Hi Y/n!

Y/n: Hi

Taemin: You sound off what's wrong?

Y/n: *proceeds to explain what's going on*

Taemin: Thats sucks.. I could help! I could be your inspiration haha

Then the idea hit you..

Y/n: Taemin that's great! I got it!

Taemin: I was jok-

Y/n: Thank you so much!

Taemin: are you writing a song about me..?

Y/n: you'll see

Taemin: rea-

He was cut off with you ending the call and starting to write lyrics. That night he sat and pondered just exactly what you were going to write about him.

~two weeks later~

Breaking News! Y/n's new song "if we tried" leaves people wondering who exactly is it about? Does she have a new lover?

Y/n's new song causes her to trend on Twitter.

Fans start to speculate that it is about SHINEE's Taemin.

"Is this the song she was talking about?" Taemin started to question his members after telling them what happened two weeks prior. Taemin was currently on set for the new SuperM mv.

"I say it is.. I mean it seems like something Y/n would do. She said she'll use as inspiration and now a song like this comes out. It has to be about you." Baekhyun states.


"Taemin, do you not want it to be about you?" Kai questions.

"No,, well yes well uhm I don't know.." Taemin stutters.

"What exactly do you mean?" Lucas says looking at him confused.

"Ugh.. I do want it to be about me.. I really hope it is. It's just that what about the scandals and everything."

"Listen, we all know Y/n doesn't give a damn about that. We also know you've liked Y/N well probably even loved them for a long time.." Ten says.

Taemin stands there thinking and slowly nods his head.

"Hey man.. just talk to her"

Taemin looks at Mark and Taeyong.

"I should.. I'll call her right now."

All his members look at him and gives him a thumbs up.

He dials your number.

Once your screen flashed with Taemin's name, you got scared. You hesitantly pick up..

Y/n: Uh Hel-lo

Taemin: Y/n hi.. I need to talk to you right now. Preferably in person.

Y/n: oh uhm okay.. where?

Taemin: I'll just come over to your dorm.. Can you go there?

Y/n: Yes.. let me rap up practice with the girls

Taemin: Alright, see you.

Y/n: see ya

You turn to your members

"Taemin wants to meet me in person right now.."

"OMG! GO GO!" Yeri screams jumping up and down.

"You got this! You can do it Y/N" Seulgi and Irene say trying to encourage you.

"Guys.. I don't know.."

"Y/n, shut up and go." Wendy says pushing your the door.

"Good luck!" They all smile at you.

You start to walk to your dorm and as soon as you arrive you see Taemin.


"Y/n!" Taemin looks at you.

"Hey.. What's going on?"

"Y/n.. Is the song about me?"

You stood there, not moving.

"Umm.. I- uh- yes.." You say looking down.

"Thank god.." you hear him mumble.

Taemin comes over and lifts your chin.

He proceeds to kiss your lips. You stood frozen. Then you soon melted into the kiss.

He pulls away uttering the words, "I do too think we could do it if we tried."

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