So...that happened

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August's point of view

It had been a month since I moved in with the Avengers. What am I doing right now? Running from an angry super soldier and spy. I may or may not have pulled a prank on the two of them. I pulled a lot of pranks during my time at the adoption center, but this was better.

How did I prank them? Well for starters, I didn't do it alone. The Genius, Billionaire, Playboy Philanthropist, Tony Stank helped me and so did my trusty sidekick, Tulip, the sheep. We painted Cap's sheild and we super glued Natasha's gun to the wall in the training room.

Of course, I didn't want to get in trouble with Nat. No one wants to get in trouble with Natasha Romanoff.

So, I'm running from Steve and Tony is "hiding" from Nat. I was running through Avengers tower until I bumped into my Uncle, Thor. He looked at me suspiciously.

"What did you do, August", he asked me, crossing his arms.

I was going to answer, but I heard Steve's voice from behind me and he wasn't far. I looked at my uncle, chuckling nervously. "Follow me", he said. Thor walked away from Steve. Wait, he's helping me? I followed my uncle so I didn't have much time to think about it. We ended up to a closet. Thor opened the door to let me in. I go in side and Thor closes the door. "Thor", I heard Steve say. I made sure Tulip was quiet. The worst thing about having a sheep as your partner in crime, is that when you're trying to hide from someone, your partner's bleats can give you away.

"Have you seen August", Steve asks Uncle.

"No, why", Uncle Thor asked.

"She pranked me and Nat with the help of Stark and Tulip", Steve explained.

Oh no, now he's definitely going to give away my hiding spot. I should've put a escape tunnel or something.

"I'm sure she'll turn up soon", Thor says.

"Nat already found Tony and probably dislocated his arm", Steve says. I hear footsteps walk away. Then, the door opened.

"August", My Uncle said. I could tell he was not happy about these pranks.

"Surprise", I said with a nervous chuckle.

Thor helped me out of the closet. "Be lucky that I lied for you, August", says Thor.

"I'm grateful", I said. I was on the run once again. I still had to hide from Steve so I ran to Bruce's lab, hoping he'll be soft on me.

I opened the door to Bruce and Tony's lab. I froze when I saw Steve was inside. He turned around and saw me. I ran back out of the lab with Steve close behind me.

Laughter slipped out of my mouth as I ran down the hall way. I heard Tony, Bruce and Clint cheering me on as I ran. Out of no where, a person tackled me. I couldn't see who it was because the person moved to quick, but when the person stopped being all quick and stuff, I saw the person clearly. It was Nat.


Before Tulip could run, Steve caught her.

Double Busted.

Steve and Natasha took me, Tulip and Tony to the seating room. They sat on the couch across from us.

"Who's the leader of your partner and crime foolishness", Natasha asked in a stern way.

Okay so here's how this works: The seating room is our jail. We have four criminals. The newbie, The partner of the Leader, the Professional and the Leader. Then, we have two targets who are also the cops. There's good cop and Baaaaaad cop. Nat was obviously the baaaaaad cop.

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