it's funny how it ends

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fuck the world
destroy all that it loves
kill all the happy places that we once held so fucking dear
fuck the past
fuck everything we thought we fucking loved once
it's all fucking worthless now
all those times we fucking smiled
all those times we cried
we leaned on each other's shoulders
hoping shit would fucking get better
when it fucking wouldn't
fuck happiness
fuck all the good things that we once knew
who fucking cares right
we shed tears then
our hearts were ripped out of our fucking chests
because we cared too fucking much
because i loved you
you stupid bitch
don't you fucking see that
how could you ever be so fucking blind
i cared for you
i never stopped caring
even when you turned a cold fucking shoulder
and walked away from my open arms
when you ground my fucking name
into the fucking mud
when you lied to my fucking face
when i told you to slow the bottle
because i knew you'd cough it up
when you smoked another
because nobody fucking understood
all the shit you went through
all the problems in your fucking life
when you felt i was a waste of your fucking time
and you didn't fucking tell me
i fucking cared then
i learn all those times
all those times i let you rip out my fucking heart
all those three in the morning tears
all those sleepless nights and exhausted fucking days
all those three day benders
all those bloodshot fucking eyes
all those long ass mornings when you told me to shut the fuck up
go home
don't tell your parents
and i'll text you when i fucking feel like it
all of it
was fucking
i fucking cared
i never stopped caring about you
but hey
we're adults now
not stupid fucking kids with our feelings hurt
over the things the liquor and smoke couldn't fucking fix
over my stupid caring ass getting in the way
of your in crowd
and your bottle of flavored whiskey
and it's normal to dump fuckers from your life
because that's normal
but please know
i never stopped caring
since my heart's too far broken
and i've cursed so much to make a fucking sailor blush
i wanna ask you something
something weighing on my fucking mind
because i want to see
if i'm the only one here
to ever have a fucking soul
don't you think it's funny
how all this shit
this friendship
this family feeling
this fucking trust
this i would die for you if it came down to it
isn't it funny
how it fucking ends

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