FOUR; doctor

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The other girls and I are talking in a circle when Vilde comes running up to us flaunting her phone in the air.
"Girls look! Thanks to Falyn, William and I are going to sleep together." She shouts.
We hush her down and Noora and Eva give me a weird look so I just shrug at them.
"Shouldn't you get to know him a little more before you lose your virginity to him?" Noora asks
"I already know everything I need to know about him, he's so hot and cool. I'm seriously so excited. Also I hear he's really good in bed."
Noora and I roll our eyes at that, even though I know the rumours are true, he is. Noora, Eva and I stare at her unimpressed.
"Can I borrow the pill from one of you?"
Oh my god.
Noora says she doesn't have it and Eva explains her Nuva Ring, that Vilde definitely does not want to borrow.
"Vilde we will take you to the doctor and you can get your own." I say, I need to get some birth control too, my skin is really bad lately. Plus maybe I'll meet a new boy.
"Thank you!" She says before running off. The rest of the girls and I laugh at the encounter and continue on with our conversation.

Later I'm on my way to the nurse when of course I see William and Chris in the hall. Awkward. I smile at William and don't really know what to do towards Chris so I just look away and keep walking.
"Hey why did she smile at you and not me?" I hear Chris ask. I laugh a little then make it to the nurse's office. I show up late and they're talking about drinking in Eva's basement on Friday. I'm assuming that's when Vilde will sleep with William.

It's Friday and we're all in the basement, only Vilde seems to be the one drinking when she starts to question us about losing our virginity. Chris explains how she didn't really remember if it hurt or not and Eva says how she wasn't drunk. Vilde then looks to me.
"How was your first time, was it with Chris."
I smile remembering the first time we ever slept together.
"It was very awkward since it was the first time for both of us, it only hurt for the first few minutes then it was fine, but I agree with Noora you should try and relax. It helps to be comfortable."
She smiles and nods. There's a knock at the door and Vilde jumps up in excitement.
"Eva go get it, we'll sneak out the back."
Vilde grabs my arm and pulls me out the window. We then hand her off to William who I smile at awkwardly. This has been such a weird week.

When William returns from sleeping with whatever girl, he won't tell me, i'm going to be very angry. What if it's Falyn? He knows she should be off limits. Maybe I'll look through his phone to see what he's been up to.

William finally gets home and I tell him I need his phone quick.
"Why, where is your phone?"
"I don't know, give me yours please."
He rolls his eyes then I look through the many text messages from several girls and I find the ones from Falyn. It says how they won't tell anyone they slept together, especially not me. I hand William his phone back and try to say thank you without sounding like I want to rip his balls off. I grab my keys and start to head out the door.
"Bye William!"
"Wait what about your phone?"
"Found it!" I yell back to him as I slam the door. I'm so furious right now I can barely drive home. I need to get back at Falyn. How dare she do this to me.

falynnilsen: getting around town lately! lots of fun things to do

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falynnilsen: getting around town lately! lots of fun things to do

evamohn: 😍😍😍
noorasaetre: beautiful babe
chrisberg: loml
vildehellerud: beauty
chrisschistad: town is not the only thing you're getting around lately. definitely doing some fun stuff tho.
falynnilsen: chrisschistad what??

Who the hell does Chris think he is! HE'S the one talking. Oh the nerve this boy has. How does he even know what he's talking about, William and I agreed not to tell a soul. William wouldn't do that to me or Chris. I run to the bathroom and angrily wash my face, trying to forget about what Chris just commented, maybe William knows something about it. I'll text him.

what was chris commenting about? did you tell him?!

no! i was wondering if you told him. should i ask him about it?

i don't know, maybe he's just angry at me cause i pay no attention to him.

yeah maybe, i'm just gonna leave it chris can be a real drama queen.

haha tell me about it

Okay so maybe he doesn't know and he's just mad at me. I can deal with that I think, I actually do really hope we can be friends after all of this. I missed him so much, he was my other half. I know we've both grown up and been with other people, but maybe one day we'll find our way back to each other. A little part of me always hoped that we would. After the argument we had I wanted nothing to do with him. It was horrible. I don't think I've ever been so angry at anyone in my life as I was the day we had that argument. Even thinking about it to this day makes me clench my teeth. Ugh. I read my other messages and the girls text about a halloween party coming up soon, at least that'll maybe give me a chance to meet a new boy. I've never been the type of girl to just hook up with people, I prefer long and loving relationships. I haven't met any boys who are suitable of being in a relationship, not in a long time. Although there was one boy back in Iceland, not Jakob. His name was Aron and we became really close friends, I always had a secret admiration for him, but I could not bring myself to break up with Jakob. If I had I know Aron and I would still be together, I guess Christoffer Schistad is the only boy i'm meant to love during all these years. Funny.

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