FIFTEEN; yakuza's girls

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falynnilsen: good morning to everyone except chrisschistad

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falynnilsen: good morning to everyone except chrisschistad

chrisschistad: hey what did i do!
falynnilsen: chrisschistad you ate the last brownie! you don't even live here
chrisschistad: i'm there more than you are so technically i do, love you gorgeous
falynnilsen: chrisschistad still not gonna forgive you
sanabakkoush: ^ what are you gonna break up again?
falynnilsen: sanabakkoush 🙄
chrisberg: sanabakkoush HAHAHAH
noorasaetre: beautiful angel
evamohn: so pretty

I'm hanging out with Eva and Noora, we're talking about how lame we think the penetrators are and how the riot concept is stupid, Eva then brings up Chris.
"I saw Chris and Isak in the car together, you don't think Chris is having an affair do you?"
"Not with Isak no! He's not gay."
"Eva, they can sit in the car together without being in a relationship." Noora laughs
"Well it looked suspicious."
Eskild then peaks his head around the corner and knocks, as if he wasn't in the room anyways.
"What are you girls talking about? Let me in on the discussion." He demands
"Noora did you tell Eskild about Isak?" Eva asks
"No, don't tell him."
"Noora you're just jealous. Tell me Eva!"
Eva explains the whole Isak being gay situation and Eskild says that he'll find out for them, he then shows us his phone with Isak's instagram page on it.
"He's handsome."
Eskild leaves the room and Noora turns to Eva.
"Do you know what you just started?"
We all laugh and continue our conversation.


Eva, Vilde and I are eating lunch in the cafeteria, we're talking about chlamydia. Noora comes up to us with her lipstick smudged.
"What the hell is wrong with your face?" I ask
Noora looks insulted then touches her face to feel the smudged lipstick. She looks a bit embarrassed now. "I was just eating."
Yeah eating William's face.
"Eating what? Dick?" Eva jokes and Vilde laughs awkwardly loud at that. Oh shoot I totally forgot to tell Noora that Vilde knows about her and William, maybe I shouldn't. It doesn't seem like my place to tell her, they need to figure things out on their own.
"Vilde has arranged for us to go to the penetrators bus on Friday. We were talking about who we wanted to hook up with." Eva says
"I don't want to hook up with anyone."
"Why not?" Vilde asks defensively. "We get to party with them so it's a give and take sorta thing."
Noora rolls her eyes. "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I don't have to hook up with anyone."
"What about Julian? He's sweet and feminine, just your type." I can tell Vilde is desperately trying to get Noora to hook up with someone, she doesn't want to believe what she saw the night of the party.


Chris told me he doesn't want me going to the party tonight, which really bothered me. He said that he's worried about being seen with me because of the Yakuza. How exactly are we supposed to stay away from each other when we're dating? He's got to stop worrying about me so much, I can handle all of that on my own. I meet up with the other girls and we begin our walk to the party.
"Falyn don't you ever get bored of being in such long relationships? How can you not want to hook up with other people?" Vilde asks.
"Because I love Chris that much, I don't need to hook up with anyone else. When you find the right person you'll understand."
"That was like Jonas and I. We both only thought about each other and I was never worried about missing out on hooking up with other boys, do you get worried Chris feels as if he's missing out?" Eva asks.
"No not really, sometimes I think he's only with me because he wants things to be like when we were younger, although we're both very different people now so sometimes it's hard thinking about that stuff. I try not to, I will just freak myself out if I do think about it."
They all nod, we get to the bus and Chris seems annoyed that I have showed up, so he comes outside to talk to me.
"Why are you here?"
"Nice to see you too, asshole."
He rolls his eyes. "I don't mean to sound controlling, but I worry about you drinking at parties around all of these boys. We get into lots of fights and I don't want anything happening to you Fal."
"Chris I can handle myself. You don't have to always watch out for me. Remember when I punched Maria right in the face?"
"Yes I do. Okay you're right, maybe I am being to over protective. I'm sorry, now let's go party."
He puts his arm around me and we walk into the bus. We start dancing and talking with the others, Chris and some of the other penetrators suddenly leave the bus. The girls and I are alone so we decide to follow them. Chris is outside fighting one of the Yakuza boys, William suddenly hits one of them in the head with a bottle and we all gasp. Noora angrily storms off, but I run to Chris and pull him away from the crowd.
"Chris stop!"
"Falyn let me handle this." He goes back to the crowd and keeps fighting, so I run off in the other direction. I keep walking for what seems like forever because i have no clue where I am. I come across a group of girls, I recognize one as the girlfriend of one of the Yakuza boys. I try to just walk past them, but they stop me.
"You. You're Christoffer Schistad's girlfriend. What're you doing in our hangout slut?" The one in the middle steps closer to me. I try to just walk away, but one of them grabs my hand.
"Don't walk away from us, you're boyfriend has been causing a lot of trouble with our boyfriends. I can see why, he was such a drama queen when we slept together."
"You slept with him too?" The girls all laugh together and i'm clenching my fists trying not to punch that stupid smirk off their faces.
"Falyn is your name right? You're a fucking loser and so is your boyfriend, I'd beat the shit out of both of you."
I'm starting to get really angry, there's 4 of them and only 1 of me, so if I do hit her, I might beat up real bad. Oh well, worth it.I let out a little chuckle and the girls shoot me an evil look.
"Let's settle this like ladies." I say before punching the girl in the middle, right in the face. I try to keep fighting, but all of them jumped on me and it was too much to handle. Suddenly i'm closing my eyes and the blood dripping from my mouth and nose is the only thing I can hear.

I'm drifting in and out of consciousness, but I can tell somebody is carrying me. My vision is really blurry, but I think it's Chris. I close my eyes again and try to imagine i'm not in loads of pain.

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