TEN; making it work

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The girls and I are sitting for lunch watching Isak make out with his new girlfriend, Sara. Which is very surprising to us considering what we had seen on his phone. Vilde comes and talks to us about a sponsor, but i'm too busy too listen because I'm staring at Chris, who just walked in on William. They sit down and both go on their phones, seconds later Noora and I's phones buzz and we look at each other and laugh. I'm assuming Chris is texting me and William is texting Noora.

you look very beautiful

aw thank you


               you look beautiful too!

🙄 thanks

you're welcome!

can you drive me home

why can't william? why can't you?

he drove me this morning so i don't have my car, plus he says he's leaving early and i can't skip the last period of the day

hahaha okay i'll drive you, but i'm also driving noora home so don't be a drama queen if you have to sit in the back

what why can't she sit in the back

because she asked me for a ride first. deal with it

fine, but don't complain if i am a drama queen about it

Vilde begins talking about William, which I can see catches Noora's attention. She explains how William apologized to her during Christmas. Which I already knew, thanks to Chris. Noora ignores her phone constantly buzzing, geez William is relentless to get her. Vilde then gets a text and tells us that William has invited us to a party, which Noora turns around and shoots a look at William and he smiles. I go back to my phone.

why are you ignoring me

geez! i was just listening to some juicy drama. calm yourself.

sorry! are you coming to the party?

yes i believe so, although noora is acting rather suspicious.

probably cause of william. i'll see you there, bye fal

bye bye chris, don't forget i am driving you home so i will also see you RIGHT after school
like you better hurry or else
chris ?


We're at Noora's for predrinks before the party, Vilde is asking what top she should wear and Chris is showing off her beer collection. Vilde then tells us how she plans on sleeping with William and I look to Noora to see how she reacts to that, but she doesn't. Wow she must really not like William. Vilde tells us how she got a snap from William asking when we're coming and Noora rolls her eyes. Ha! Got her there. Noora's roommate walks in and Noora introduces, his name is Eskild. He takes the seat next to Vilde and starts to flirt with her, although he is obviously gay. I see Noora keeps declining calls, probably from William. Noora then turns on the music and we all dance, until Vilde gets a phone call from William, she frowns and tells Noora the phone is for her.

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