SEVENTEEN; the argument

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Noora never did text me back last night, I was really worried, but maybe her and William just got busy with stuff. My phone buzzes so I quickly run to it hoping it's Noora.

can you please pick me up? i'm at williams

yes is everything okay?

yeah i fell asleep, i'm sorry

okay... you can talk to me if something is wrong

everything is fine. see you soon

That doesn't sound too convincing, maybe I'll call Chris and ask him if William and her are okay. I dial his number and he answers immediately.
"Hey Fal!"
"Hi! Do you know what's up with Noora and William? Did they get into a fight last night?"
"Ummm no, William is out of town. Why? Is everything okay?"
"Oh yeah, she just seemed a bit upset. I'm picking her up now so I'll talk to you later."
"Okay bye, love you."
"Love you too."

I arrive at William's and wait for Noora, she walks out the door looking very pale and upset.
"Hey Noora, are you sure everything is okay?"
"Yeah I'm just feeling a bit sick."
"Okay, do you need anything?"
"No I'm okay. Thank you."
We were silent the rest of the ride home, I can tell Noora didn't want to talk about last night so I let it be.

Maria is standing at my door when I get home, I want to punch her in the face, but I'm much more curious about why she's here. That reminds me about my deal with the universe, to ask Chris what happened between them.
"Maria? What're you doing here?"
"Hey Falyn, first of all I wanted to apologize for being so rude to you. I miss the way things used to be between us when we were friends. I saw the instagram you posted with Chris and it seems like you guys are really in love, so I wanted to tell you about what really happened when you broke up."
My heart starts to race and I'm so afraid of what she's about to tell me.
"Okay, can we sit down in case this is shocking?" I ask, she nods and I let us in the door so we take a seat on the couch.
She takes a deep breathe. "So before you had broken up, Chris and I had become really close. He told me he wanted to be with me and that he was going to break up with you. He said that for months, but never acted on it. I'm sorry I was so jealous of your relationship and I wanted to have that so bad."
I don't say anything to that, I can't say anything right now. It feels like my heart has been ripped out of my chest and stomped on then ripped into a million pieces. I just give her a nod, then I start to uncontrollably sob. Maria puts her arm around me as I keep crying.
"Thanks for telling me. I just really want to be by myself right now."
She nods and lets herself out. I have a flashback to Chris and I's argument that caused the break up.

People had been telling me for weeks that Chris was cheating on me with Maria, at first I didn't believe it at all, but when Chris started to become more distant I realized he had been texting her. It broke my heart thinking he would ever do that to me.
"Chris what is going on with you and Maria?! Why won't you be honest with me?"
"I've told you nothing is going on!"
"Then why are people telling me that you cheated on me with her? I've seen you texting her!"
"Bullshit! I didn't fucking cheat on you!"
"Liar! Let me see your phone then."
"No that's fucking crazy, stop being so goddamn crazy Fal!"
"I can't trust you anymore Chris, what have you become? You honestly disgust me right now. Get the fuck out of my house. I never want to see you again!"
"Fine fuck you then, have a great fucking time in Iceland"
Chris slammed the door behind him.

That really was the last time I saw him until this year. It hurt so much leaving him on such bad terms. I want to leave it all in the past so bad, I don't know what to do anymore. We can't just keep breaking up and getting back together, that's ridiculous. I can't lose him, but I also can't stand the fact knowing he lied to me about Maria. What if he does it again and it just hurts me even more? I'm just not going to talk to him for awhile so I can calm my nerves and have a mature conversation with him. I need some advice.

sana, i need some advice. maria just came to my place and told me that when chris and i broke up the first time, he was telling her he was going to break up with me for her and that he wanted to be with her. what do i do?

do you trust chris now? like fully trust him?

yes, i believe he's changed, but it will always drive me a little mad knowing that happened.

talk to him about it, see his reaction. if he gets all defensive about it then dump him. trust me a real man will own up to his mistakes and be sorry about it. i'm really rooting for you guys and so is everyone else.

thanks sana you're the best. #wise

I text Chris to come over now because I want to get this talk over with. I clean up my face so it doesn't look like I was crying and I bite my nails nervously waiting for him to show up. Of course he doesn't knock he just walks right in. I feel like I'm going to throw up, oh my god I am going to throw up. I run to the sink and puke, Chris runs to me and grabs my hair to hold it back.
"Jesus Falyn, are you okay? Do I disgust you that much?"
I can't help but laugh. I rinse out my mouth and turn to him. I give him a big hug.
"Chris can I ask you something?"
"Of course anything."
"Did you tell Maria you would leave me for her when we were 16?"
Chris looks shocked and he opens his mouth, the same way he did when he used to argue with me. But suddenly he closes it and a wave of regret washes over his face.
"Yes. I did."
My heart sinks a little at that.
"The biggest regret I have ever made. I was so immature at the end of our relationship, I saw that all of my friends were hooking up with so many girls and I got freaked out by that. I know it's 100% my fault and I'm so so sorry. I'm not like that anymore, the only person I need is you and there's no doubt in my mind that I will ever need anybody else."
A little tear trickles down my face and I wrap my arms around him, which surprises him at first, but he gives into the hug.
"I love you Chris."
"I love you too Falyn. Forever."


(a/n: hi!! thank you so much for 1k reads! makes me soooo happy. i just wanted to let everyone know that if they ever need someone to talk to about anything i will listen. please feel free to message me. love you all🦋💙*++**)

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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