FOURTEEN; jakob&aron

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I stare at Jakob in shock, how dare he just show up when things are starting to get perfect. I can tell Chris is getting ready to fight him, his fists are clenched and he's bitting his lips.
"Jakob I think you should leave."
"Okay, but I'll be back when your little boyfriend isn't here. I need to talk to you."
"No, you shouldn't of come. Do you need me to call you a cab or something?"
"No Aron is waiting for me, he rented a car."
"Aron is with you? Why?"
"He wanted to see you, not sure why though. He said he had to tell you something. If you want us to leave we will, after you talk to us."
"Fine! Now get out!"
Chris slams the door in his face. "Who is Aron?"
"My friend from back in Iceland. Also one of Jakob's friends."
"Why does he want to talk to you?"
"I have no idea, we were just friends nothing ever happened between us really."
"Okay fine, now can we get back to where we left off."
I kiss him and he picks me up so we head off to the bedroom to continue.

In the morning, Chris is still sleeping so I go on my phone to keep me busy. Aron had texted me.

hey falyn i'm so so sorry about just randomly showing up, Jakob told me about how he saw this boy commenting on your instagram posts and he needed to see you. so i told him i'd go with him, only to make sure he wouldn't do anything crazy.

i missed you so much aron! don't apologize i would love to see you, just not jakob. let's meet up for coffee, maybe i can introduce you to some of my friends. and even chris!!

wait is it the chris?

yes! we're back together

oh that's really great. i can't say i'm not a little disappointed tho, that's what i wanted to talk to you about. us.

listen aron, i feel like we felt the same about each other back then, but i'm with chris again and i really love him. i don't want to ruin our friendship

i don't know if i can keep being friends, falyn i was really in love with you. like deeply. maybe it's best if we don't meet up. i still have those feelings for you and i don't want to get in the way

i completely understand aron. thanks for telling me and being so mature about it

you too. i'll try and keep jakob away. i don't know if i can, he's very persistent in getting you back

thanks aron

"He's in love with you?!" Chris yells causing me to scream. I turn around and he was staring at my phone!
"Why were you reading my messages? Don't peep on my phone!"
"I didn't mean to, but you told me you were just friends. You felt the same way about each other? So you loved him?"
"No I liked him, not love. We were just friends who felt like we wanted to be more, but never were. Don't be mad Chris I never expected any of this to happen."
Chris sits up and sighs.
"Of course I'm not mad at you, just give me some time to cool off so I don't murder those boys. I'm going for a walk, not because i'm mad at you because I want to kill them"
"Okay Chris, take as much time to cool off as you need."
He says goodbye and leaves. I let out a big sigh, Jakob loves to ruin everything in my life. I'm gonna text Noora and explain what happened.



remember how i told you about jakob and aron?

yes i do

well jakob showed up at my door yesterday, aron was waiting for him in the car. then aron texted me and told me he was in love with me, chris is furious with them. i'm afraid he might hurt them

oh my god what the hell is their problem, those boys are so immature showing up like that with no warning.

i know it's awful i don't know what to do, jakob refuses to leave until he sees me

just take the girls and i with you. we'll be sure to make him uncomfortable. better than taking chris, who will for sure murder him.

thank you noora!! you're the best. also... what's new with you? anything exciting happen lately?

no nothing i can think of

liar! chris and i were behind the tree watching you and william smooching!!

hey! you creeps. fine we kissed and i do like him, you were right

i always am

i got to go, good luck with the whole jakob situation and text the groupchat when you're ready to meet up with him.

I need to go find Chris and talk to him, I can't have him being mad at me. I open the door and Aron is standing there.
"Aron? How long have you been standing there?"
"About 15 minutes. I didn't know if I wanted to actually knock or not. I don't even know what to think right now."
"I'm sorry, I wish we could've said this to each other earlier, back in Iceland."
"Me too, I really want to be with you Falyn. Like badly, is there anyway that's possible?"
"No not right now, I'm with Chris and I can't change that."
"You could break up with him."
"Are you seriously asking me to break up with my boyfriend? You sound like Jakob."
"God you're right, I do sound like him. I'm sorry. Just seeing you again is brining all these feelings back and I don't know what to think. I'm gonna get going, hope you have the best life Fal. You deserve it."
"Does that mean i'll never see you again?"
"I don't know. We'll see what happens. Goodbye Falyn."
"Bye Aron."
It hurts me a little seeing him walk away because he used to be so important to me, I'm sure we'll be friends again in the future. It's just hard right now knowing he likes me. I text the girls and Jakob asking me to meet them at the café down the street, so I pick up the other girls and we meet Jakob there.
We're walking in and I point him out to the girls.
"He's really cute! Is he single?" Vilde says and I roll my eyes. We walk in together and Jakob gives us a weird look. Noora then takes the reigns and sits down right in front of him.
"Hi Jakob, I'm Noora. Here to tell you that if you don't leave Falyn alone, we're gonna have some big issues. If you really think she's gonna take a guy like you back, you're so so wrong. Is your dick so little you can't get another girl? You need a pretty girl like Falyn to boost your ego? Get over yourself, you don't deserve someone like her you asshole."
Jakob rolls his eyes. "Fuck all of you little girls."
He storms off and Noora flips him off so we all cheer for her. Noora is such a badass.

Chris is sitting in my living room when I get back from the café, he's really just hanging out here without me now? Might as well just move in. He greets me with a big hug and kisses my forehead.
"Jakob is leaving, I'm sure Noora really scared him off."
He laughs "I'm not surprised considering how much William fears her, now we can go on double dates at least."
"Yay! So you're not mad or anything?"
"Of course not, you didn't invite them here it's not your fault. I love you so much Fal."
"I love you to, I have to go shower now so we can hangout after."
"Or I could shower with you?"
We give each other a look then scurry to the bathroom.

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