THIRTEEN; back to you

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I'm patiently waiting for Chris to arrive, I haven't seen him in so long and I want to tell him all about the prank Sana and Chris had pulled on us during the break. I'm sure he wants to tell me all about his. Online there are posts everywhere about how he and the rest of the penetrators destroyed a cabin they had rented and need to do a whole fundraiser to earn the money back. Boys can be so wild and reckless, I mean so can girls, but these boys I know are absolutely crazy. Chris finally lets himself in, not even knocking. He acts like he lives here to. He comes and gives me a big hug.
"I'm so glad to see you Chris, but at least knock. What if I was naked?"
"Nothing I haven't seen before, also thanks for not having a knife this time."
"Oh shut up. How was your break?"
"Crazy! We partied so hard and absolutely destroyed the cabin, we need to have a hook up fundraiser to pay for it so expect a party really soon."
"Wow a party to solve the aftermath of a different party? Amazing solution, Schistad. Also you won't be doing any hooking up right?"
"No of course not, only with you. William will be the one hooking up."
"Wow people would pay to hook up with him, crazy. What about him and Noora?"
"I don't know that seems really complicated. How was your time with the girls during break?"
"So much fun! Sana and Chris scared us so bad, there was a creepy guy named Kasper, so Sana and Chris pretended that he was stalking us. Then Sana convinced us she was a psychic because we all asked her if she was, she was being rather suspicious about the ouija board. Then they put on a mask and scared us so bad!"
"That sounds hilarious you scaredy cat."
"Hey! You've would've been freaking out too!"
"No way, nothing scares me, maybe you. Only a little though. What questions did you ask the ouija board."
"I asked about our break so that's why I texted you."
"Wow putting the fate of our relationship into the hands of spirits? I'm a little disappointed in you."
"Oh shut it you. What would you like to do?"
"I'm a little worn out from break, can we just hangout and watch movies? Maybe order some pizza?"
"I was thinking the same thing."


Noora and I are standing at the lockers, when William comes behind her and whispers in her ear.
"Willhelm." She says
"Did you miss me?"
"No. Not even a little."
"Hi I'm here too." I butt in, but they just look at me then look back to each other. Wow I have such great friends. Then they talk about their Easter and I zone out and think about what Chris would be doing right now if I had never moved back, would he still be with Iben? Would he be single? I wonder if we would have talked again, why am I even thinking about this. William then walks away and Noora turns to me.
"Unbelievable, am I right?"
"Totally. I definitely know what we're talking about." I say still zoning out, thinking about Chris.
"Yeah sounds like it, really convincing Falyn. You'll let me shave your head too right."
"Yes totally. Wait what? No!"
"Too late you agreed baldy!"
I jokingly roll my eyes at her and laugh.
"Can you just admit you like William already, I'm tired of zoning out and thinking about random things while you guys pretend you aren't madly in love. While at least while you pretend you aren't, William on the other hand makes it a little obvious."
"We aren't in love, you're the one giving me relationship advice Mrs. I love him! I don't love him! I miss him! I just want to be friends!"
"Hey! Shut up."
She laughs at me.


We arrive at the little fundraiser and I go and find Chris to see what he's doing. Wow I really am obsessed with him, maybe I should let him breathe once in awhile. At least I don't barge into his house with no warning. I can't find him, but I do see Eva embarrassing herself in front of Jonas and his new girlfriend, I rush over there to help her, but Noora beat me to it. Eva then falls on the ground so we help her up, then Noora goes to get her some water. I've only been drinking a little, I'm a bit scared to blackout or even get as drunk as I was the last time I drank. Isak comes up to us, so I hand Eva off to him and walk over to Chris and Vilde, who are chatting.
"Hi! What're you guys talking about?"
"You!" Vilde states and Chris nods.
"Oh really what about me?"
"Vilde asked me how we ended up together when we were 13, so I told her about how we got dared to kiss each other and how it was our first time ever kissing someone."
"What? You weren't my first kiss, it was Lukas."
"What! He was such a geek! Here I was thinking we had all our firsts together, guess not."
Eva then comes up to us, super drunk and complains that Isak won't make out with her, she then looks to me.
"Falyn will you make out with me!"
"Falyn say yes!" Chris cheers so I shoot him a glare.
"No, sorry Eva."
"Okay. Will you Vilde?"
She shrugs and they start full on making out right in front of Chris and I, he seems into it so I cover his eyes.
"Let's leave these two alone, can we go get some fresh air?"
He agrees and we head out to get some fresh air.
"You had to stare at them like that Chris?"
"Hey don't blame me! It was hot!"
I give him a little shove "You're disgusting."
We both laugh then look to our side to see William angrily walking down the stairs, Noora following them.
"Chris look!"
"Ohhh Drama"
"Hide! So we don't ruin the moment."
We hide behind a tree and try our best to eavesdrop on the conversation. I then look over and see Vilde helping Eva, who is violently throwing up.
"Oh my god Chris! Vilde is gonna see them, what do we do?"
He puts his hand over my mouth. "Shh! This drama just got even better, I want to see how it plays out."
Noora and William start making out and Chris and I gasp, then look to Vilde who is staring at them and gasp again. We giggle to each other then he grabs my hand and we make our escape, nobody will ever even know we were there.

We were laughing the whole walk back to my house and Chris asks if he can stay the night, which I obviously agree to. We get home and make some bagels then drink a little more on our own. We go to the couch and start making out, when we are rudely interrupted by a knock at the door. Chris gets up to answer it, like he owns the place. I'm starting to think he really does believe that he lives here.
"Who are you?" Chris asks the person at the door, a bit rude considering it could be a friend of mine he doesn't know. I hear the person's voice and I immediately freeze. It's Jakob. Why the hell is he here? I get up and stand behind Chris, who doesn't look very happy.
"Falyn? Who's your friend?"
"Boyfriend." Chris looks him up and down, he puts his arm around me and smirks at Jakob.
"Jakob why the hell are you here? How did you even find me?"
"I'll always find my way back to you."

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