TWELVE; ross and rachel

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We're going to Chris Berg's cabin for the break. It's really nice being able to get away from everything, I haven't talked to Chris since the night of William's party, despite his numerous amount of texts apologizing. Vilde is busy complaining about how we're in the middle of nowhere when we stumble upon a weird boy.
"Hi, I'm Kasper. I prepared the cabin for you girls, but i'm just warning you that the electricity is a bit unstable. So be careful."
"Do you help my grandmother with the Cabin?" Chris asks
He agrees that he does and we thank him, continuing our walk to the cabin. Eva comes next to me.
"How are you doing with the whole Chris thing?"
"Not too well. We weren't on a break, but he insists that we were."
Eva laughs at that.
"What's funny?"
"Oh my god! You guys are Ross and Rachel!"
Oh my god we are Ross and Rachel.
"I didn't even think about that, I totally have to tell Chris, he'll get a kick out of that."
We laugh together and share with the other girls about our discovery of Chris and I's relationship. They all burst out laughing, except for Vilde.
"Who's Ross and Rachel?" She asks.
"They're 2 characters from the tv show, friends. It's a really good show. Ross and Rachel were this really on and off couple. They even had the same argument about being on a break, as Chris and I did."
Vilde takes awhile and understands, then tries to laugh like she's seen the show.

We're sitting in the living room and Vilde is discussing how William is so hot and cold with her. I bet this is making Noora uncomfortable because she told me how she had slept at William's. I can tell she is starting to like him, but she won't admit it herself. Eva then says Vilde could've gotten a rebound hookup if we were in Hemsedal.

Chris pops up from around the corner holding a mask.
"Hey that looks like Kasper!" Eva points out and we all burst out laughing.
"Vilde maybe Kasper is up for a rebound hook up" She jokes and Vilde rolls her eyes at her. "Nobody measures up to William anyways."
"Let's look on tinder." Eva suggests. "Wow looks like everyone is 20km away."
"We must've lost contact with the world." Vilde jokes "I wonder what William is thinking about now."
Noora rolls her eyes. "Do you have to talk about guys all the time?"
"Well what else is there to do?"
"We can play a game? Maybe trivial pursuit?" Sana suggests, but Eva says she doesn't want to play. Chris goes to look for other games and Vilde questions Sana about her hijab. Chris then comes back with an ouija board.
"How does it work?" Eva asks and Vilde fangirls about being able to ask the spirits about William. Noora is starting to get annoyed and Sana says goodnight to everyone and goes to lie down.

We begin playing Eva asks the first question, which is 'does Jonas still have feelings for me?'. The planchette begins to move to yes on its own which freaks us out a little.
"I knew it! That sucks cause we can't be friends if he still has feelings for me."
"It's my turn" Vilde says "What is William thinking about right now?"
Noora, Eva and I all glance as each other and the planchette spells out someone here. Vilde gets super excited and asks Noora to ask who it is, but Noora asks why Sana didn't want to play and the board spells out psychic.
"I knew there was something weird about her and her mysterious hijab Vilde asks."
Chris berg then asks something that throws me off a little. "Why did Chris and Falyn break up the first time?"
"Hey!" I exclaim, but Chris defends herself saying they were all curious because I never told them. The planchette then spells out Maria and I tell the girls I will explain to them tomorrow and that I want to ask a question.
"Does Chris love me?"
The planchette moves to yes and I instantly feel relieved and smile. They let me ask another question.
"Were Chris and I on a break?"
The planchette moves to yes. Damn it.
"Why is Isak with Sara?" Chris asks.
The board spells out homosexual and that means it knows what it's talking about, I guess Chris and I really were on a break. I'll text him and apologize later.
"Oh my god, somebody answered on Jodel! It says all the questions we've been asking!"
"Was it you Noora? You were just on your phone."
"No it wasn't me."
"Then show me your phone."
"What? No."
The power cuts out and we all scream, sitting in the dark. We put the game away and stop playing immediately after that. We all go to our rooms, I'm sharing one with Noora and Eva. We talk about William and that's why Noora didn't show Vilde her phone. I'll text Chris now that the others are going to bed.


finally you answer

i'm really sorry, let's just say i realize we were on a break and i shouldn't of been so dramatic

you had every right to be dramatic. what made you realize

oh nothing, by the way the other girls were calling us ross and rachel! how funny is that?

HAHAH we totally are. you suck rachel

you know you love me ross

i do, goodnight fal i'll talk to you in the morning❤️

goodnight chris, sorry if i take awhile to respond the internet is very slow out here. miss you lots❤️

In the morning we're all eating breakfast and of course Vilde is talking about William. Eva states the electricity still doesn't work and Chris says that she asked her grandmother for Kasper's number. Eva is explaining to Sana what had happened last night when Chris gets a worried look on her face and we ask what's wrong.
"My grandmother just told me she has no guy helping her with the cabin."
We all exchange worried looks and continue on with eating.

We're all in the living room watching Vilde workout when a random conversation about potatoes starts, which shifts to eggs, but I can tell it's just Noora trying to help Vilde since she seems so worried about her appearance. We then see Kasper standing outside and freak out a little.

Sana is now telling Vilde about how she's psychic and can see things before they happen, which Vilde is freaking out about.
"Kasper is in here, we have to see him to make him go away, he's behind the door."
We all creep up to the door and I grab a ladel for protection, Chris then jumps out behind us wearing the Kasper mask and we all scream. Chris and Sana laugh and high five, explaining how it was all a prank.

falynnilsen: had the best time at the cabin! lots of scares thanks to chrisberg & sanabakkoush

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falynnilsen: had the best time at the cabin! lots of scares thanks to chrisberg & sanabakkoush

sanabakkoush: hilarious!! also gorgeous
chrisberg: you're faces were all priceless
evamohn: scariest thing of my life lol
noorasaetre: got us so good. 😍😍
chrisschistad: missing your beautiful face. can't wait to see it in person
falynnilsen: chrisschistad i love u, miss ur face too my handsome boy
williammagnusson: barf^
falynnilsen: williammagnusson oh shut up!! you wish u were #couplegoals like us
williammagnusson: okay ross and rachel
evamohn: williammagnusson HAHAHA he sees it too!!

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