FIVE; halloween

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Halloween has finally arrived, that means lots of drinking! Vilde is currently spying on William, who is getting cozy with Sara from pepsi max. I continue to drink, but I don't see Chris anywhere. Eva is on the couch, still drinking away the night. I keep dancing with some people when my phone rings. It's Jakob. Shit. I thought I blocked him. I decline the call, but my phone keeps ringing. So I decide to answer.
"Hello Falyn?"
"Can we talk?"
I tell him yes then head into another room so I can actually hear what he's saying.
"Listen Fal..."
God how I hated when he called me that, only Chris would ever call me that and it made it so much harder to forget that whenever Jakob would say my name."
"... I wanted to say I'm sorry. I treated you so horribly during our relationship and I wish I could redo everything. I miss you terribly. I wanted to call sooner, but I wanted you to settle in first."
"Jakob I'm in Norway now, I won't do long distance ."
"I can move there, anything to see you, please.."
I move my phone from my ear when someone walks in the door. It's Chris. He hangs up the phone when Jakob says something.
".. I love you Falyn."
"I gotta go."
I hang up the phone and Chris has a really hurt look in his eyes. I can tell he's plastered by his glossy eyes and red face
"Who was that?"
"Nobody Chris, why do you care."
"I care because he said he loves you! I'm the only guy who is ever supposed to love you." He throws his phone onto the bed.
"Chris, I do not love him, he is only saying that to try and get me back. I don't want that."
"So that's your ex?" How long were you together?"
"About 2 years."
He face grows even angrier. "2 years! Ugh why am I even upset with you right now, oh wait I know. You slept with my best friend. How could you do this to me!"
My eyes swell up with tears and I can't seem to get any words out of my mouth.
"Chris I-"
"Please just get out. I can't look at you."
That broke my heart and I leave the room crying. Eva then goes into the room, I can't go back in there and make sure nothing happens between them. Eva seemed upset and drunk too so that raises the chances. I catch William's eye before running out the door and bawling my eyes out. William quickly runs to me.
"Falyn! What's wrong did somebody hurt you?"
"Chris knows. He hates me!" I sniffle.
William pulls me into a hug. "He could never hate you, trust me. Just try and talk to him when you're both sober okay?"
I wipe away my tears and nod. "Funny how I'm always crying to you. You must think I'm the drama queen, not Chris."
William laughs at that then backs away.
"Want me to walk you home?"
"No i'm okay, go enjoy the party."
He smiles then goes back inside. I send Jakob a text before stating my walk home, I told him it's never gonna happen and to stop trying.

The girls and I are sitting in the cafeteria eating and Vilde comes to join us. She sits down and Noora places a hand on her shoulder.
"Vilde are you okay? We know what happened with William and Sara."
"No i'm not sad. It was a hookup party, everyone hooked up."
She begins to list off names of people I don't know who had hooked up when she mentions Chris had hooked up with someone. I look to Eva and she freezes. My stomach bubbles with rage and sadness as I try not to glare at her.
Eva tries to act casual. "Who did he hookup with?"
"I don't know, I just know that he did."
I angrily stab my food and I accidentally blurt out. "Hopefully his poor girlfriend doesn't find out."
Eva ignores the question and I know the other girls sense that I'm angry, so they decide not to speak up.

I meet William in the halls, because I told him we needed to have a word.
"William I know what happened with you and Fal."
He opens his mouth to say something, but I cut him off.
"It's okay, I forgive you."
"But do you forgive her? I'm not the one you should be worrying about. I mean of course bros before hoes, but I think you need to work things out with Falyn."
I know he's right, I don't want him to be right, but I know he is. Stupid William always knowing what to say. He really bothers me with his knowledge sometimes.
"Yeah you're right. I'll talk to her today maybe, even tomorrow I think I have plans with Iben."
"I'd be worried about that also, people know you hooked up with someone at the halloween party."
"What! How?"
"Don't know, people find out everything. Good luck though with Iben, you'll need it." He laughs then pats me on the back before walking away. Should I break up with her first? I can't get dumped. I text Iben to meet me outside.

I wait patiently for Iben as I stare at Falyn, who is talking with her friends over at the benches. She greets me with smile when I realize, she doesn't know. What do I do? Do I end it or do I wait for her to find out. No I should probably be the one to tell her, geez just Falyn being here is already making me a better person.
"Iben I have to tell you something and I'm really sorry."
She gestures for me to keep talking.
"On halloween I hooked up with another girl, I'm so so sorry and I really didn't mean for it to happen it just did."
She looks as if she doesn't know if she's going to cry or punch me in the face, I flinch a little when she raises her hand, but she just puts it on her forehead.
"Are you kidding me?! Okay 1: we're over and 2: with who?"
"Falyn Nilsen." Oh no. Did I just say Falyn? Oh god I totally did. Before I can correct myself she storms off, hopefully not going to find out who Falyn is. I can't stop thinking about her of course I mix the stupid names up.

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