EIGHT; drunk words: sober thoughts

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I head over to Eva, who's at her locker looking very distraught. She's holding a letter in her hand staring at it.
"What's wrong Eva? What's that in your hand?"
"The Rad Girls sent me a threat, cause of the hook up."
Maria, the leader of the bus, used to be my best friend. Before I moved I found out she liked Chris while we were together, she was the reason we got into the argument when Chris and I broke up, but I don't want to get into that right now. I get angry seeing Marie is sending her threats after what she did to me.
"C'mon Eva, we're going to have a word with them."
I grab Eva by the hand and drag her out to the school yard where the girls are sitting in a group, I recognize most of them, but there are a couple new faces. Maria gives me a dirty look when Eva and I walk up to them.
"Oh Falyn the rumours are true. You're back. I thought the skies looked darker recently."
"I'm surprised you noticed and that you weren't too busy trying to sleep with other girl's boyfriends. Nice to see you too."
"What do you want?"
"Have you been sending threat letters to Eva? Still so obsessed with Chris are you?"
"No that's not worth my time and you know that. I have better things to do with my life then care about the drama of some first year."
She then looks to Eva. "Listen Eva I don't know you, but I can tell you this drama is not worth your time. Right now everything is probably such a big deal to you, like it was to Falyn and I when we were your age. Like the whole Chlamydia outbreak."
The girls keep talking about that and Eva and I walk away from them, I can't stand to hear Maria talking anymore.
"Who sent me the letter then?" Eva asks.
I shrug my shoulders because I have no clue who would do that, unless it was Ingrid. She seems crazy enough to do that.
"Also what was that all about with Maria?"
"Long story for another time."
She nods and let's go of it.

In the library, I'm studying with Sana and Noora, Eva comes up to us and tells them about the letter and our confrontation on the rad girls. Sana then mentions that maybe it was Ingrid. So she hooked up with Chris too? What a dog he is. I need to stop thinking about Chris, we never should've got coffee together it just brought up old feelings. I then get a text from William.



don't call me that

fine what

you didn't tell me you and chris got back together

we didn't?

he hasn't been hooking up with any other girls since you're little date, so that must mean something.

okay there's a lot of things wrong with that message, i'm disgusted that he hooks up with girls so much. it wasn't a date. it means nothing, maybe he's just coming to his senses

i'll believe it when i see it. thanks for talking to noora for me, still a no on the date tho.

i tried! it's up to you now. good luck

thank you

Why hasn't he been hooking up with anyone? I can't be the reason, there's no way we'll get back together.

At the end of the day Eva explains how she made up with Iben and Ingrid and that it was her sending those threats. We're now all invited to a Christmas party with them. There's also drama with Isak because apparently he was the one to send the message and told Iben. This is going to be an interesting weekend.

 This is going to be an interesting weekend

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